Monday, May 12, 2008

Evening Gown Rental In Manila

In short Who can sign?

I leave then extract HE plenary. Alicante City Council which discussed (?) Motion to remove "honors " granted to the Dictator:

REGULAR MEETING - No. 4 / 2008
DATE: 22-FEB-2008
The Spokesman Don Andrés Llorens Fuster, states that the government team and the PP in general, has always been a staunch advocate of democracy and constitutionality of the English and has been against any character that violates these principles. Therefore, the position before the filing of this Motion by the GS will be consistent with constitutional principles and the conduct of all democratic Corporations Alicante, with socialist governments led by Mr. Lassaletta and Mr. Moon, and will occupy the present and the future, which is what really worries you, and not the past, as claimed by the motion of the GS, wondering, also, why has it now and not before, unless, he says, it fulfills the PSOE's electoral slogan of creating tension and drama during the election campaign and to convey to the public view, as the announcer SER recently interviewed him, the PP as the last redoubt of the English extreme right and its affiliates and supporters, as fascist and totalitarian.

announced that the GP, true to its principles, will not support the Motion of GS, because they do not like the past and, as before, continue to work for the present and future of Alicante. (...)

Closes debate the Mayor-President which states that it is very clear, unlike the GS, the Law of Historical Memory which aims to affect the GS with the motions, or that it is an issue of particular interest to Alicante, nor be needed law to carry out the initiative now proposed, as in the sixteen years of socialist governments
city, nothing was done in this regard.

continues and no one says he has to give lessons of democracy, recalling his youth when he went to secret meetings for the establishment of democracy and freedom in Spain and when he was elected President of the Congress, a of his first acts, was the removal of Francoist symbols, but, nevertheless, does not share the motion presented by the GS, because it is only the result of electoral opportunism to stress and dramatize and therefore, the GP is not shared and not going to support.

Addressing the representatives socialists nevertheless says, "that if they can get from Alicante twenty-five thousand signatures counted to support the initiative contained in the Motion, is committed to raising the corresponding plenary for approval.

put the motion to the vote, is DENIED, by majority of 15 votes against (GP) and 14 votes for (GS). ------

This is simply a statement but I can give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe incongruity of the arguments that both the seasoned politician Andrés Llorens (Former President of the Management Committee of the Bonfires of San Juan and then Councilman Current Events and People's spokesperson) as of the Mayor-President Mr. Alperi.
With a little analysis of what was said by Andrés Díaz and Luis Llorens Alperi be reached the following conclusions:
  1. PP's position is in line with democratic principles ( In the preliminary section of the Constitution English 1978, Article 9, Section 1, states: "Citizens and public authorities are subject to the Constitution and other legislation" means that a law endorsed by HM King Juan Carlos I and published in the Official Gazette is part of the legal system )
  2. PP's position is in line with the performance of all democratic corporations, with socialist governments led by Mr. Lassaletta and Mr. Moon ( Memory Law Historical published in the Official Gazette on December 27, 2007 and Mr. Llorens is supporting performance (if only to use as throwing Arama) by socialist governments Lassletta Jose Luis Cano, 1979 to 1991 and the Moon Angel Gonzalez from 1991 to 1995, twelve years before the publication of Law )
  3. ( despite all this) " the Popular Group will take care of present and future, which is what really worries (...) (...) because you do not like the past . "

For his part, Mr. Mayor-President, Luis Diaz Alperi says:

  1. That " is not clear that the Law of Historical Memory which seeks to affect the socialist group ." Surely, Mr. Alperi not carefully read the article 15. Symbols and public monuments of the Act which says, literally, at Section 1, " public administrations, in the exercise of its powers, take measures for withdrawal shields, badges, plates and other objects or memorial mentions exaltation, personal or collective , of the military rebellion, the Civil War and the repression of the dictatorship . These measures may include the removal of the subsidy removal or public aid. "
  2. That " not believe it una cuestión de especial interés para los alicantinos "
  3. Que " no cree que se necesite una ley para llevar a cabo la iniciativa que ahora se propone " (¿?)
  4. Que " a él nadie tiene que darle clases de democracia recordando cuando en su juventud acudía a reuniones clandestinas para la instauración de la democracia y de la libertad en España y que una de sus primeras actuaciones cuando fue elegido Presidente de la Diputación fue la retirada de Símbolos Franquistas " ( imagino que como ejemplo valdría la Cruz de los Caídos, y los títulos honoríficos provincial to the dictator and his wife ). Apart from that any political figure in those boards made clandestine democratic remember ever seeing Mr. Alperi, except in poker gambling dens.
  5. as the climax and as a duel in the sun and putting its attributes on the table (it's a metaphor) proposed to the Socialist Group " if they can get from Alicante twenty-five thousand signatures supporting the initiative counted undertakes for hoisting to the plenary for approval for . "

In short, we do not like the past but when I was young and I removed all symbols Franco and I met clandestinely to bring democracy.

We do not like the past 30 years but nobody did anything to remove the dictator honors.

We are respectful of democratic organization but do not believe that this law has nothing to do with historical memory in fact not a law is needed to remove the titles to the Dictator, what happens is that we will vote against, ie because we feel like it.

Now yes, I have twenty-five thousand signatures of Alicante counted which support the motion approved (not discuss because we are the majority).

"? Penalty



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