- - The copyright can not be above the fundamental rights of citizens , including the right to privacy, security, presumption of innocence, to effective judicial protection and freedom of expression.
- - The suspension of fundamental rights is and must remain the exclusive competence of the judiciary . Not a close without trial. This blueprint, contrary to the provisions of Article 20.5 of the Constitution, put in the hands a non-judicial body, a body under the Ministry of Culture, the power to prevent English citizens access to any website.
- - The new legislation will create legal uncertainty around the English technology sector , damaging one of the few areas of development and future of our economy, hindering the creation of enterprises by introducing barriers to competition and slowing its international image.
- - The new proposed legislation threatens the creativity and hinder cultural creation. The Internet and successive technologies have democratized the creation and release of contents of any kind, no longer come predominantly from the traditional cultural industries, but from many different sources.
- - Authors , like all workers, are entitled to live out of their creative ideas, business models and activities associated with their creations . Trying to hold legislative changes to an outdated industry that can adapt to this new environment is neither fair nor realistic. If your business model is based on the control of the copies of the works and the Internet is not possible without violating fundamental rights, should look for another model.
- - believe that the cultural industries need to survive modern alternatives, effective, credible and affordable to suit new social uses , rather than limitations so disproportionate as to be ineffective in that they are pursuing.
- - Internet should function freely and without political interference sponsored by groups that seek to perpetuate outdated business models and make it impossible for human knowledge remains free.
- - We urge the Government to guarantee the neutrality law of the Network in Spain , to any pressure that may occur as a framework for developing a sustainable economy for the future.
- - propose a real reform of intellectual property rights-oriented end: return to the society of knowledge, promote the public domain and limit abuses of management entities.
- - In a democracy, laws and amendments should be adopted after due debate and consultation with all parties involved. It is unacceptable that legislative changes are made that affect fundamental rights in a non-organic law and deals with other matters.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
What Is The Lowest Bmi Someone Can Have
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Jesse Jane Vidoes Free

Defense Minister Yupi ideal world, Carmen Chacón, said it was illegal to put Marines on board the fishing boats that are playing in the Indian Ocean? As Alakrana, and they are constantly attacked by pirates, and although France and Italy if they do, she prefers to act 'legality'. The same 'law' that used in Afghanistan, I suppose, where our soldiers hit shots everywhere and are immersed in an illegal and immoral war. Carme Chacón da as private security solution. Mercenaries for us to understand. Look
lady 'My Idea', if we have to pay mercenaries to defend our fishing boats and also the armed forces and also their pay, we will come out much cheaper buy the Indian Ocean to buy 100 grams of tuna.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Will Tv Prices Drop After Superbowl?

Thus, nobody should be surprised that the Somali pirates who obviously are not stupid, decide which is more comfortable, safe and effective to kidnap a English fishing vessel to do with a French or American because both the Mr. Sarkozy and Mr. Obama, and they have shown that not go down in flames when you mess with their fishing.
course, "Spain it's Different" and it has been captured, so Palladian, choosing as defense minister to a lady who wore T-shirts before the "no war in Iraq." Unlike other nations that seek to strengthen its armed forces to help them be respected and serve as guarantors that the safeguards and rights of its citizens are respected anywhere in the world in which he finds it, in Spain, converted in the nation's "peace" of the civilized world, under the special way of thinking of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the Army is no longer responsible for ensuring, as the Constitution, for the unity of the nation English, to be the one that guarantees the defense of our territory against external threats and who rescue our citizens in need, by all means available, including the use of force if necessary.
is more than probable that, since the English Civil War ended, those who had to leave Spain decided that if she ever returned to the first thing they would do would be to try to dispossess our armed forces the resources to that could interfere with its goals of turning back to the homeland, from which they were expelled, in that they wanted to do it before he is prevented from General Franco.
certainly ZETAPAD learned the lesson well and, apart from those who retire military thought they could put in difficulties, after placing the command of the military forces loyal to "the cause" and decided to end the "decaffeinated" putting the Army front of him a woman and, by extension peace, who has taken his role with the same frivolity that if he had given her a doll house, which could change room furniture as they wish.
The pacifist Carmen Chacon has already demonstrated its inability to charge all those times you wanted to intervene, for example, when our troops hastily retreated in Kosovo, in the appointment to positions of responsibility, military addicted to ride roughshod through the ranks, or when it has persistently refused to accept that our troops in Afghanistan (poorly armed and with the prohibition of doing anything to defend) were immersed in a? war?, describing the situation as a "peace mission" in which, however, our soldiers die and not, of course, indigestion.
Chacón is obvious that think our "soldiers" are to play with them "war stories" peace, in which some are engaged in planting flowers in Lebanon and the others are doing housework in Pakistan; confuse a mission NGO's with what is the mission of any armed force that is to defend their position by force of arms, according to a tactic and strategy designed by the High Command. What is not acceptable is for the minister to use our military to that for which are not designed or used for citizens' taxes for anything other than ensuring, by means of a well-equipped army, the borders and the country's unity. Of course, this to preserve the unity of Spain may not fit what the PSOE have in mind for the future of our nation, which may be more in line with the wishes of the separatist independence with that the Constitution guarantees: the unity of Spain.
remember the blunders of our government when in 2008 had to face the kidnapping of the English fishing vessel Playa de Bakio, which remained in the hands of pirates for a week and ended when the English Government, he dropped his pants and paid the ransom demanded by preventing the Navy, asked him earnestly, he could act with their commands. Of course, for the PSOE, which could injure or kill a pirate of great concern to them! We have been demonstrating since have risen to power are scared to death to a soldier!, Because it has always been the workhorse, with its political opponents, the priority over the honor of Spain, on his international prestige on the interests of English citizens, the life of a person must justify any transfer to blackmail, pressure or force. The downside of this policy is that, sometimes, for trying to save a life threatening hundred other, as has been demonstrated with this new act of piracy committed against the Basque fishing Alakrana, with a staff of 26 crew now in the hands of Somali buccaneers. It is very nice and no doubt this election produces income to be against military action! But you see, not always, in politics, you can choose what is best for us to win an election, because the government is not to always seek the act to be elected again, but that what is committed is, to rule!
has created a committee of management of this serious matter, headed by De la Vogue, Chacón, and often Moratinos trio! With such elements we can be sure that, rarely, almost be a miracle, to order our forces in the seas off Somalia, to act forcefully to arrest pirates and hang from the rigging of the frigate Canarias, for your vision an example to those who think in future trials. Chances are, as always, is the Public Treasury Enough already fleeced by government wasteful!, Who pay the duck and, once again, the pirates take out slice of their raid and then get away, as in the shameful incident of Bakio beach where, instead to pursue them, arrest them and judge them, not known whether as a matter of "honor" were allowed to run quietly with the booty. As said: the Army to play soldiers. Now, if you agree, I have earned. I say.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Inquiry Letter For Commercial Offer

"Carod is an imperialist colonialist predator that seeks an Ibero America and Spain split into several indigenous languages, unable to understand each other thanks to the English language," said El Revolucionario.
"The huge subsidy Carod indigenous languages \u200b\u200bhave a racist background undeniable: Carod hates hates Spain and Hispanic, all of us, Latin Americans. Therefore promotes indigenous languages \u200b\u200bagainst the English. "
was in Mozambique in April, 52,000 EurAc trip, traveling as an archetype of giving away condoms in Maputo Catalan. Now, Mr. Carod comes entangled in Cuba. D. José Luís , total free world traveler would have to be tied hand and foot to his seat. Or at home. with his family and their embassies.
And meanwhile, our ambassador in Honduras remains stuck in Madrid. Well, that should travel to Tegucigalpa to find out what's going on there. And if the government does not want to upset Chavez send it to reinforce the embassy in Beijing. Failure to do.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Wedding Invitation Quotation In Hindi

The government now recognizes that spent 32,000 million more than budgeted for 2009. Therefore, the diversion of spending has been above 20%, something never seen in a Western economy to date.
To address this deviation each taxpayer will have to allocate, via taxes, an amount equivalent to the wages of July with the extra included. Far
rectify its policy of massive waste, the socialist misrule
recognizes that the expenditure ceiling for 2010 will grow more than 14% and intends to sell up as an "effort to contain spending unprecedented."
The PSOE government, instead of disqualifying those who ask him
rigor and waste containment, should begin to hear the proposals of the party who knew how to take Spain out of the crisis. It is time for the PSOE accept the austerity plan and Transparency of Public Administrations offers the Popular Party.
Equality Ministry allocated 1.4 million euros to the new phone "for guidance on issues related to men and gender equality." It is the star as gender violence Bibiana Aido, that men can call a toll-free to bring them closer to equality and prevent violence.
People's Party proposed in Congress that prison officers are not disadvantaged and unprotected by the Equality Act of the current socialist government. Not addressed to the Claims, the prison officers are women forced to work in male prisons.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Any Ideas For A Jungle Theme Fair?

want solutions The English Popular Party Zapatero insists to reject the Congress system.
The five previous European elections were always won the governing party, except in 1994, which marked the end of the cycle of Felipe González. Following the 2004 European PSOE argued that "the socialist victory (by 350,000 votes) shows that the overall results were not a mirage." If they were consistent, should now recognize that the victory of the PP (by 580,000 votes) mark the change of cycle.
frivolous is who is going to chair the European Union later this year, downplayed European elections.
After Apparently, the only crisis takes its toll on government
After the recent elections to the European Parliament has been very clear that there is a crisis but crisis management as valued citizens.
The 9 countries with socialist governments have lost elections (with the exception of Slovakia). By contrast, the vast majority of the countries with the center-right won the elections, Germany, Italy, France, Poland, Holland, Finland, Czech Republic ...
In fact, the center-right parties have won in 20 of the 27 countries: in Europe the citizens want solutions, not planetary occurrences or Manichean debates.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Toiletpaper Test Grith
During the last five years the Socialist Party was in majority of representatives in Parliament and it has cost us to lose in the negotiations of the CMO or Bologna, or in many other laws that Spain has been prejudiced against other countries. For
that's very important that the next June 7 all we turn to vote in European elections PP . But if that day can not be in our place of origin, we have the opportunity to vote by mail.
Spain and has more than four million unemployed . Meanwhile, our "beloved" government is patching up an economy that is bleeding in abundance. By adopting measures such as Plan E, for municipalities to design artificial positions the best candidates for the unemployment lists. Or as the program has begun to promote it's work and manchego executive Castilian miracle.
Thus, 11,000 unemployed were busy in more than usual sweep the sidewalks. Or prune hedges local park as "Edward Scissorhands." There is no better system to facilitate the plug. Sure that other communities are aimed at the car. To win votes in exchange for bread. Or rather, of crumbs.
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900 101 446
Monday, April 13, 2009
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're fixed. I have rarely heard such a generalized opinion about a person. In show business, actors, actresses, directors, producers, believe, with certain exceptions, Pilar Bardem the front, you're pretty useless, you have no ability to work, you characterized by mediocrity, you never given a stick to water, you have shown your incompetence to lead the lightest of the meetings, that you are only one occurrence of Zapatero. The astonishment with which your appointment has been welcomed in other environments without limits.
Now we have the apotheosis anything goes. Anyone, in short, can be a minister or minister, to a crook white cucumber known or uneducated to know. Uncultured laws and ordinances.
And the fact is, my dear minister, I think like most showbiz.
The English people are tired of so much deception and lies. Considered despicable to the political class. And has been at the bottom of the English life and credibility. My dear Minister
... Congratulations, you Prime Minister, without higher education has reached the summit. Neither your high school classmates still believe. Your old colleagues believe that has been a miracle. Yes, indeed, a miracle of Zapatero has shown once again that no staff trained to get us out of this economic crisis and government that has fully embraced by his inability to govern when this great English nation. 11
have preceded, white cucumber, but all of them college-educated .
Government of Spain More of the same?. NO. WORST
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Monday, March 23, 2009
Graff Template Suggesting

One year after deciding that the Government would not recognize the independence of Kosovo, Minister Chacón dares to proclaim that "it is time that the troops come home." It has taken more than a year to adjust to the military diplomacy, but could very well not have. The question then is why now? And since all you have to do with foreign and security action the Government understood in purely domestic key, thought out what revenue with its decision?
Chacon, Spain's not there alone, but integrated into a multinational force to respond to collective goals, not national.
Executive This is a socialist PSOE on the run and avoiding fulfill their responsibilities. He did it in Iraq, it has done in Afghanistan, with its many restrictions on the employment of forces, and does, without explanation or on KOVOS apropos. Even worse, it does a week away from the summit to celebrate 60 years of existence of the Atlantic Alliance. Nice way to go with it. Could it be that Zapatero is angry with Obama because he wants to come to Spain and pays with NATO?.
How to withdraw English troops from Kosovo, like Iraq, is another example of irresponsibility. It is not serious to act with such lightness in something along with the lives of our soldiers. More than likely that political leaders do not know the real motivations of the English military presence in missions abroad and that is the greatest danger to our troops. The English people must be aware of the problems affecting them, including its Prime Minister, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.
The breakdown of solidarity in fact the vast majority of our partners and allies with the most splendid mitigated inconsistency: Our troops stayed to protect the alleged illegality had just committed.
For once the national embarrassment is duly reflected internationally. Everyone has been shocked and unhappy. But the English should be above all intrigued. Is it possible that those who govern us unable to analyze the consequences of their actions before making a decision of state? Or if he did or not do you wrong in your calculations? In some other, in any case it is not possible to pretend that unanimously disapproving. With what face will be presented the next three in the NATO summit in Strasbourg? "Dizzy roles in a large empty table while his colleagues do about cliques? Is it worthwhile for the Group of Twenty is extended to twenty? The withdrawing of the Balkans "is going to send to Afghanistan, to please Obama? But other Europeans have to fill our hole at the time that the American president pressured to address the pressing needs of distant Islamic country. Zapatero Is it still considers the interest to be in NATO is to boycott from within? What will embrace the Obama price that yearn?
desperately to get plausible explanations, but the time will give us some answers.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Gay Beat Sydney Toilet
syringes and needles:
Needles have a metal tube and a plastic adapter. Using this adapter is set the needle to the end bottom of the syringe. Like syringes, needles also are packaged individually and sterile and used once to avoid infection. The needles are manufactured in various sizes, which are used according to an injection.
hypodermic injections are provided, ie the liquid is inserted under the skin. (Source )
- Technical insulin injection:
Monday, February 9, 2009
How Many Calories Have Mccoys Have
bladder catheterization is a technique that involves inserting a catheter into the bladder through the urethral meatus, in order to establish a drainage path, temporary, permanent or intermittent, from the bladder to the outside. The guidelines are: quantitative monitoring of urine output, obtaining a clean urine sample when you can not get through regular channels, the collection of urine for several hours in incontinent patients, urinary retention and neurogenic bladder.
------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
urinary catheter:
SOURCE: http://www.fisterra.com/material/tecnicas/catetvesical/catetvesical.asp
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Bzf Manager Rally Trophy Ke Stazeni Zdarma
technique of introducing a flexible tube (silicone, polyurethane or reflón) in the patient's stomach through the nose (nasogastric tube) or mouth (orogastric).

- Administration of enteral feeding.
- medication administration. Make
- gastric lavage.
- Aspirate gastric contents to:
- prevent aspiration in intubated patients or decreased level of consciousness.
- decompress or remove air or fluid from the stomach.
- prevent suture failure in patients undergoing gastric resection.
- monitoring the progress of HDA.
- analysis of gastric contents in the laboratory.
- If basilar skull fracture, broken facial bones and nasal packing is contraindicated inserting the tube through the nose. In these cases be used via orogastric.
- In patients undergoing esophageal surgery or stomach, keep caution.
- If the patient has a deviated septum and nasal disorder, which prevents the tube being in this way, put it through the mouth after removal of dental prosthesis and / or piercing.

1) Human Resources
- Nurse
- Nursing Assistant
2) Material resources
- Nasogastric . ( consider in their choice: Outside diameter or size and length ).
- clean gloves
- Gauze
- soluble lubricant
- Lantern
- Tongue depressor
- syringe feeding Stethoscope
- hypoallergenic tape or specific material fixing probe
- drainage bag
- Vacuum
- Guedel cannula insertions oral
- Maguilla Clips oral insertions
- pH test strips to determine
1) Preparation of the patient:
- If the patient is conscious and capable of understanding, explain the procedure. In the case of newborns or infants, report the procedure to the family. Background: technique is very annoying and difficult to achieve without the cooperation of the patient. It can also cause anxiety in the family if they do not know the procedure.
- Inspect nasal and oral cavity of the patient. If the patient is conscious ask you to relax and breathe normally while cover one nostril, repeat with the other hole. Choose one, through which a greater flow of air. If unconscious, exploring the nostrils with a flashlight looking for irritation, obstruction and / or deformity (eg, nasal septal deviation). Background: The probe will pass more easily through the hole nasal more permeable.
- Palpate the patient's abdomen. Background: know the degree of abdominal distension prior to assessing the progress going.
- In case of existing dentures or piercing, removal therefrom. Background: Avoid travel during insertion of the NGA.
- patient positioning. generally place it in high Fowler's position with pillows behind her head and shoulders. In most cases it will require auxiliary aid to hold the position. But in case of poisoning it will trendelemburg left lateral decubitus. Background: It facilitates the ability to swallow and the force of gravity helps to pass the probe. In the poisonings, the indicated position prevents the toxic pass into the duodenum.
2) Preparation of material
- Choose the diameter of the probe suitable for the patient. Background: Comes measured in French. 1 French = 0.33 mm.
- Hand washing and glove positioning: The protocol for washing hands is as follows: 1 .- rub our palms vigorously; 2 .- rub our right palm on the back of the left and vice versa; 3 .- rub both palms fingers intertwined, 4 .- rub our backs bent fingers for each hand, rubbing my thumb 5 .- right to left and vice versa; 6 .- rubbing the fingertips of one hand on the palm of the other. Background: Reduces transmission of microorganisms.
- determine the length of tube to be introduced.
For this there are two methods: a) distance between the tip of the nose to the earlobe and then to the xiphoid process in case of SNG. If OG would the distance between the mouth, and the xiphoid process through the earlobe; b) Method Hanson: first mark a point 50 cm from the probe, then performed the traditional method. Should insert the probe to the midpoint between 50 cm and traditional brand. Background: The length is different for each patient.
- Mark the length obtained with a tape or marker. Background: Avoid measurement errors.
- Prepare the type of attachment of the probe. If taped, split longitudinally in half. Background: Set the probe and prevent accidental removal.
- Roll the end of the probe around the hand. Background: Help insertion and decreases the stiffness of the tube. If you want to get more flexibility you can insert the tube in warm water. If we want is to be introduced more rigid in cold water or ice.
- Lubricate the tube with water soluble lubricant. Background: decreases the friction of the probe to the nasal mucosa. As the water-soluble lubricant should be dissolved accidental insertion of the probe into the lung.
- Prepare the syringe and stethoscope.
3) Development of technique
- Stand on the right side if right handed or left if left handed. Background: facilitates the manipulation of the probe.
- Insert the probe through the hole selected. If the patient working, ask him to hyper extend the neck to gently insert the tube through the nostril floor down and the ear on that side. Background: reduces the discomfort produced by the friction of the probe against the turbinates.
- You will notice a slight resistance. Apply a slight downward pressure to advance the probe, if not rotate forward SNG and if the resistance still persists, do not twist and remove the probe. Background: If you force the introduction, it can damage the nasal mucous membranes.
- Flexing the patient's head to his chest and let the patient relax for a moment. Background: step is facilitated to the posterior pharynx as the glottis closes, reducing the possibility that the probe penetrates trachea.
- Encourage the patient to swallow, giving small sips of water if not contraindicated. If so, asked to swallow saliva. Go to advance the catheter as the patient swallows. Background: Al swallowing facilitates the advancement of the probe.
- If there is cough, dyspnea, cyanosis, remove the probe. Background: will have been introduced accidentally in the windpipe.
- repeated if nausea and SNG does not move with swallowing, inspect the throat with the depressor and flashlight. Background: The probe may be in the throat and stimulate the gag reflex.
4) Check the positioning of the probe
- If the patient is conscious ask you to speak. Background: If the probe has passed through the vocal cords, patient can not talk.
- Aspirate gastric contents, evaluating color. Background: The color green is often cloudy. It can also be white or brown.
- Measure the pH of the aspirate. Background: pH of gastric contents is 4 or less, pH of intestinal secretions is 7.5 to 8 and the pH of lung fluid is around 7.6.
- Breathe air through the tube, placing the stethoscope in the epigastrium. The amount of air breathed vary with the age of the patient. Background: will hear a hissing or gurgling noise. If not, may be in the esophagus, trachea or bronchus. Not a reliable method of verification.
- Place the end of the NGA in a glass of water. Background: If bubbles is that it is placed in the bronchial tree. Check
- radiation.
- Clean and dry the patient's nose. Background: For the fixation does not loosen.
- Set the probe with a strip of tape or dressing appropriate depending on the patient's age and the area of \u200b\u200bintroducing it. If the patient has skin lesions or burns, hold the tube using tape or band. If the patient is agitated, fix probe also behind the ear. The probe can also be attached to the endotracheal tube. Background: not be fixed in the front, it can cause pressure ulcers on the nose.
- Keep the patient with the chest elevated 30 to 45 degrees. Background: prevent aspiration pneumonia.
- Connect the end of the tube drainage, aspiration, nutrition or tweezers.
- Remove gloves and wash hands.
nursing registry:
This register should note the type of probe, the number of probes, the brand and the possible complications during the technique.
- Erosion of the nasal mucosa, epistaxis.
- gastric mucosal erosion, gastric hemorrhage.
- Aspiration pneumonia. Hyperventilation
- by increased anxiety in conscious patients. Bradycardia
- by vagal stimulation.
- hypokalaemia or metabolic alkalosis due to loss of electrolytes if gastric drainage is abundant.
- obstruction of the probe.
- esophageal erosion.
- reflux esophagitis.
- Pressure sores. Nausea
- excessively.
catheter removal
Removing a naso-OG, or because it has blocked or does not necessary .
Objective: Elimination
of that path.
Equipment and material:
Human Resources: Nurse
Material Resources: Towel
- nonsterile gauze non sterile gloves or forceps
- cap probe
- Explain the procedure to the patient.
- Wash hands and wear gloves non-sterile.
- Place patient in semi-Fowler position. Background: Avoid content aspiration stomach.
- at the right side of the patient if they are right or left side if left handed. Background: allows easier handling of the probe.
- Disconnect the probe from the aspiration or drainage bag. Clamp the probe. Background: Preventing gastric contents remaining in the drain tube to remove it and enter the airway. Remove
- fixing probe. If the patient is conscious ask you to take a deep breath and pull the probe gently and quickly during patient expiration. However, if the patient is intubated, make sure the correct pressure neumotaponamiento before removal. Background: relaxes the throat and reduces irritation and danger of aspiration. Perform
- hygiene nostrils and mouth.
- Remove gloves and wash hands.
nursing registry:
Register the procedure and if there were complications during the test.
- Aspiration of liquid in the probe if it is badly pinched.
- abdominal distension and / or vomiting has not resumed if the intestinal transit.
ANNEX: Age caliber: gastric tube for washing or draining:
- Neonates and Infants (up to 18 months) 5-8 French
- -7 years 18 months 8-10 French
- 7 years -10 years French 10-14
- 11 years - 14 years 12-16
French gastric tube for enteral nutrition:
Depending on the patient's age, we use a gauge that range between 5-12 French, taking care to use the smallest possible.
SOURCE: http://www.eccpn.aibarra.org/temario/seccion6/capitulo101/capitulo101.htm
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Erotic Movie Spanısh French

The middle class and English workers must break this illusion and awakening to the harsh reality. The unions do not protect the worker, but their own status and power when they are euphemistically called "social partners", no reference is made to a building, but a power to coercion and blackmail to the Administration, either through strikes or through demonstrations.
Unions are primarily responsible for that Spain has left a culture of competitiveness from first to last employed, which have been removed any incentive initiatives that seek the individual and that, conversely, some schemes have been promoted inefficient and hard work where the employee must belong to a class and one that stands out is seen as selfish, unsupportive and bad teammate. Mal
them in spite of them, only companies in its many varieties, create productive employment and competitiveness only through you can reverse the current economic crisis to be eligible for job creation.
Today more than ever, it is necessary welfare reform with important repercussions on with a commitment to deregulation and a recovery of competitiveness that is ultimately the only thing that can create jobs. Any alternative to go in another direction will only serve to delay recovery and make it more difficult. The nearly 8,000 English every day in addition to the unemployment line are proof that the system and the unions have not worked.
Sore Tounge Swollen Gums Sore Throat
The differences between a computer and a normal serum for PVC are
- team has normal serum the bottle containing the solution to infuse a bottle holder and 2 sockets.
- The infusion for P ress V Enosa C entral (PVC) consists of a normal infusion and a third tube that is attached to a scale that measures the PVC (gauge) . We will also use the 3 key steps to open or close the serum and the other tracks.
- drip factor of a normal serum team is 20 drops / cm ³. The drip factor is a microdrip 60 drops / cm ³. It follows that 1 drop of a normal computer equivalent to 3 drops of a microdrip.
Always inform the patient about what he will do, techniques used and how we will do, also because of its performance. This reassures the patient. Will not be disturbed, because you will know what to do. Patient is likely to work more with nurse if you know what they are doing. If you're not nervous, not increase vasoconstriction.
always have to respect it.
Procedure: How to purge a serum?
first prepared the serum:
- Check the bottle, the solution and stopper are in perfect condition and expiration date. Remove
- protection serum.
- asepticize stopper with an antiseptic.
- Connect the equipment.
- team off water. Press
- drip chamber to fill it in half.
- Raise a little bottle of perfusion and slightly open the key, so that the liquid fills up the tubing to the end.
- Once it is all full of liquid back to close the tap.
- serum already purged.
What central venous pressure measured?
CVP central venous pressure measured, ie the force exerted by the blood level of the right atrium and vena cava is the index the balance between blood volume and contractility of the right heart chambers, ie, between the blood it receives the heart and its ability to accept it.
How to measure?
- the patient is placed supine, removing pillows.
- Locate the patient's chest in the "zero point" corresponding to the right atrium.
- Level gauge zero point obtained with the patient's chest. Fill
- liquid column manometer connected to the infusion.
- liquid column must be free of air. Turn the key
- 3-way stopcock, closing the patient's drip and opening the key that connects the liquid column with the patient. Close
- key gauge communicating with the patient and open connecting the drip bottle gauge.
- Fill the column.
- Shut off the gauge.
- Let it flow again leaking from the patient, making sure the pace is appropriate.
What is the use a key 3-step?
several ways you can use without having to play in several places the patient or disconnect from serum. With un solo catéter podemos administrar sueros, medicación, medir la PVC, etc.
¿ Cómo se utiliza?
- Es como un grifo, con un accionador que moviéndolo hacia un lado o hacia otro te permite abrir o cerrar una vía.
- Permite tener 3 vías que pueden estar: Cerradas, 2 abiertas, o sólo una abierta.
- MantenimientoVigilar que no se obstruya el catéter por trombos.
- Vaciar el frasco del suero antes de que esté totalmente vacío, para evitar la obstrucción del catéter por coagulación de la sangre.
- Vigilar el cambio de apósito.
- time of puncture.
- Number and type of solution, and the enclosed medication.
- Dosage and administration time.
- number of drops per minute.
- model and caliber of the needle or catheter.
- puncture point.
- Age of the patient.
- name of the patient.
- Comments on the status of the patient, tolerance and the puncture site.
- anomalies if any.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Primolut And Breastfeeding
blood extraction is a very common medical procedure for the detection of possible diseases to perform the necessary analysis of the blood sample. Blood is drawn from a vein, usually from the inside of the elbow or the back of the hand.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Kavya Madhavan Preganant
Placement to make the bed material:
We will have two cars: one to wear clean clothes and another to collect the laundry.
The material needed to make a bed is placed in reverse order of use:

- pillowcase,
- the Quilt, Rug
- ,
- The top sheet, the meddling
- and bottom linen.
- We wash our hands with soap and water and we will place single-use gloves. The protocol for washing hands is as follows: 1 .- rub our palms vigorously; 2 .- rub our right palm on the back of the left and vice versa; 3 .- rub both palms interlacing fingers rub our backs 4 .- of the flexed fingers for each hand, 5 .- rubbing his right thumb with your left hand and vice versa; 6 .- rub the fingertips of one hand on the palm of the other.
- Prepare the material and take you to the room, having prepared the linen and perfectly ordered;
- will inform the patient and preserve his privacy;
- The room temperature must be appropriate and will avoid it if possible drafts;
- We must protect the patient from possible falls, for which it is important that this technique is done by two people;
- If not contraindicated, place the bed in a horizontal position (patient lying supine);
- En primer lugar, debemos aflojar la ropa de la cama;
- Retirar la colcha y la manta. Si están sucias, depositarlas en el carro o bolsa correspondiente;
- Dejar la sábana encimera cubriendo al paciente o colocar una toalla de baño por encima. No dejar nunca al paciente totalmente descubierto;
- Si es posible, se retira la almohada para cambiarle la funda y se coloca encima de una silla;
- Colocar al paciente en decúbito lateral, cercano a uno de los bordes de la cama;
- Enrollar la ropa sucia a retirar (entremetida, salvacamas y sábana bottom sheet) from the edge of the bed where we stand, the patient's back;
- Starting to bed at the opposite side to that is the patient
- We put the clean bottom sheet wrapping it up center of the bed. Is fixed to the head and foot and made the angle or miter;
- Place salvacamas meddling and, if needed, to lamisma back so that the bottom sheet and is set along the bed ;
- Turn the patient such that it lies above the laundry, endecúbito side and becomes the other half of the bed by removing the laundry;
- Roll meddling clean sheet and avoiding wrinkles, tucked under the mattress and making the angle or miter of the two remaining corners;Help
- again placing the patient supine;
- Extender the clean top sheet over the patient and remove the dirty or towel used to cover her.
- Then place the rest of the clothes (blanket and comforter), tucked comfortably in the foot of the bed so that the loose-fitting clothing so you can move comfortably and avoid erosions and poor posture.
- Colocar la almohada limpia por debajo de la cabeza del paciente;
- Dejar colocado al paciente en una postura cómoda y adecuada. Que tenga fácil acceso al timbre y a sus objetos personales;
- Recoger el material. La ropa sucia no deberá ser aireada ni colocada en el suelo, sino echada directamente en una bolsa de ropa sucia;
- Nos retiramos los guantes y nos lavamos las manos nuevamente.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
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- Being in a room quiet.
- Avoid noise and alarm conditions.
- The ambient temperature should be around 20 degrees.
- not eat plenty, do not smoke, drink alcohol or coffee, or exercise, at least half an hour before the visit.
- not take sympathomimetic agents, including mydriatics.
- not have the full urinary bladder.
- not taking antihypertensive medication in the morning, to make the decision of the PA in the period "valley" of the drug and not fully under the same pharmacological action.
- Place
- naked arm to compress.
- Wait 5 minutes in this position.
- To rule out postural or orthostatic hypotension, BP should be measured at one minute and 5 minutes after standing. Is confirmed if there is a decrease in SBP> 20 mmHg and / or DBP> 10 mmHg.
- in pregnant women after 20 weeks, is recommended to measure the PA with the patient in left lateral decubitus or sitting position.

also recently calibrated aneroid sphygmomanometers or validated electronic devices. The sleeve has to be consistent with age and weight of the patient as a small cuff overestimates BP cuff too large and the undervalued. In case of doubt it is preferable to use a sleeve as large as possible.
- The apparatus (in the case of columns of mercury) should be at the height of the observer's eyes. Place
- freeing the sleeve antecubital fossa.
- Palpate the brachial artery and gently place the stethoscope around 2 cm. below the cuff.
- The understanding systolic (SBP) was estimated by palpation of the radial artery and the cuff is inflated rapidly to 20-30 mmHg above the level at which the pulse wave disappears.
- The flat should be at a uniform rate of about 2 mmHg per second or heartbeat. Using the first sound is followed by two identical (Korotkoff phase I) to define the SBP and the disappearance of sound (phase V) to define diastolic blood pressure (DBP).
- To record the Korotkoff phase IV (attenuation of noise) in hyperkinetic states, fever, pregnancy or in children.
- opening shot in the BP should be measured in both arms, and if there is a pressure difference greater than 10 mmHg should evaluate possible causes and consider the individual pressures far higher. In subsequent visits the PA will be determined solely on the arm with higher figures (control arm).
- At each visit must be at least two shots of the PA separated by 2 minutes and average values. If the first two readings differ by more than 5 mm Hg should additional footage made until the difference is equal to or less than this figure. Consider how the visit PA average of the last two shots.
- If an arrhythmia is recommended to measure the PA five times and averaged.
- is advisable to register immediately and TA figures show no preference for certain numbers.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
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fever, sometimes known as temperature or fever, is an increase in body temperature above what is considered normal. The normal human body temperature fluctuates between 36.5 º and 37.5 º. The mouth acts as an adaptive response that helps the body fight disease-causing organisms and arises in response to substances called pyrogens derived from bacteria or viruses that invade the body. The fever varies depending on several factors:
- Age: The newborn presents problems of temperature regulation because of their immaturity, so that will greatly affect the external changes. In the elderly, body temperature usually decreased (36 ° C).
- The body part is being shot: Rectal making is almost one degree higher than oral
- Time of day: the lowest values \u200b\u200bare reached in the morning and the highest in the afternoon,
- The sex of person: women tend to have somewhat higher figures,
- Physical activity: During the year the temperature increases.
- stress.
- Intense emotions such as anger or rage activate the autonomic nervous system may increase the temperature.
- Treatments drug.
- diseases.
- The ambient temperature and clothing to be worn.
- recent ingestion of hot or cold, for having smoked a cigarette, an enema and humidity in the armpit or friction (for example when drying) can affect the value of the temperature oral, rectal and axillary respectively, so have to wait about 15 minutes before the constant. If the arm is wet, there will be dry by tapping.

Fever is a disease state due to alteration of the temperature regulating mechanism whose typical symptoms include tachycardia, tachypnea (increased breathing rate) and headache. Also causes fever by sweating, a large water loss from the body and can lead to dehydration. Water loss and appetite and destruction of body proteins, causing weight loss. Explains the symptoms of dehydration additives dry skin, dry mouth and constipation.
fever usually occurs in children febrile seizures. It is a temporary neurological symptoms that usually occur in children between 6 months and 5 years, being more common in children 1 to 2 years. It is a distressing and unexpected situation occurs between 3 and 5% of perfectly healthy children because of fever from 38 ° and not necessarily the highest peak. Although seizures are very dramatic, they are harmless and do not leave sequelae.
To measure, the person must be still and quiet and the anatomical sites used as reference for measuring internal body temperature are:
- The rectum,
- ear canal,
- cavity oral, sublingual,
- The esophagus,
- The armpit.
The most common instruments to perform such measurements are
- The mercury glass thermometer,
- digital thermometer,
- The plastic strip thermometer,
- The ear thermometer.