Thus, nobody should be surprised that the Somali pirates who obviously are not stupid, decide which is more comfortable, safe and effective to kidnap a English fishing vessel to do with a French or American because both the Mr. Sarkozy and Mr. Obama, and they have shown that not go down in flames when you mess with their fishing.
course, "Spain it's Different" and it has been captured, so Palladian, choosing as defense minister to a lady who wore T-shirts before the "no war in Iraq." Unlike other nations that seek to strengthen its armed forces to help them be respected and serve as guarantors that the safeguards and rights of its citizens are respected anywhere in the world in which he finds it, in Spain, converted in the nation's "peace" of the civilized world, under the special way of thinking of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the Army is no longer responsible for ensuring, as the Constitution, for the unity of the nation English, to be the one that guarantees the defense of our territory against external threats and who rescue our citizens in need, by all means available, including the use of force if necessary.
is more than probable that, since the English Civil War ended, those who had to leave Spain decided that if she ever returned to the first thing they would do would be to try to dispossess our armed forces the resources to that could interfere with its goals of turning back to the homeland, from which they were expelled, in that they wanted to do it before he is prevented from General Franco.
certainly ZETAPAD learned the lesson well and, apart from those who retire military thought they could put in difficulties, after placing the command of the military forces loyal to "the cause" and decided to end the "decaffeinated" putting the Army front of him a woman and, by extension peace, who has taken his role with the same frivolity that if he had given her a doll house, which could change room furniture as they wish.
The pacifist Carmen Chacon has already demonstrated its inability to charge all those times you wanted to intervene, for example, when our troops hastily retreated in Kosovo, in the appointment to positions of responsibility, military addicted to ride roughshod through the ranks, or when it has persistently refused to accept that our troops in Afghanistan (poorly armed and with the prohibition of doing anything to defend) were immersed in a? war?, describing the situation as a "peace mission" in which, however, our soldiers die and not, of course, indigestion.
Chacón is obvious that think our "soldiers" are to play with them "war stories" peace, in which some are engaged in planting flowers in Lebanon and the others are doing housework in Pakistan; confuse a mission NGO's with what is the mission of any armed force that is to defend their position by force of arms, according to a tactic and strategy designed by the High Command. What is not acceptable is for the minister to use our military to that for which are not designed or used for citizens' taxes for anything other than ensuring, by means of a well-equipped army, the borders and the country's unity. Of course, this to preserve the unity of Spain may not fit what the PSOE have in mind for the future of our nation, which may be more in line with the wishes of the separatist independence with that the Constitution guarantees: the unity of Spain.
remember the blunders of our government when in 2008 had to face the kidnapping of the English fishing vessel Playa de Bakio, which remained in the hands of pirates for a week and ended when the English Government, he dropped his pants and paid the ransom demanded by preventing the Navy, asked him earnestly, he could act with their commands. Of course, for the PSOE, which could injure or kill a pirate of great concern to them! We have been demonstrating since have risen to power are scared to death to a soldier!, Because it has always been the workhorse, with its political opponents, the priority over the honor of Spain, on his international prestige on the interests of English citizens, the life of a person must justify any transfer to blackmail, pressure or force. The downside of this policy is that, sometimes, for trying to save a life threatening hundred other, as has been demonstrated with this new act of piracy committed against the Basque fishing Alakrana, with a staff of 26 crew now in the hands of Somali buccaneers. It is very nice and no doubt this election produces income to be against military action! But you see, not always, in politics, you can choose what is best for us to win an election, because the government is not to always seek the act to be elected again, but that what is committed is, to rule!
has created a committee of management of this serious matter, headed by De la Vogue, Chacón, and often Moratinos trio! With such elements we can be sure that, rarely, almost be a miracle, to order our forces in the seas off Somalia, to act forcefully to arrest pirates and hang from the rigging of the frigate Canarias, for your vision an example to those who think in future trials. Chances are, as always, is the Public Treasury Enough already fleeced by government wasteful!, Who pay the duck and, once again, the pirates take out slice of their raid and then get away, as in the shameful incident of Bakio beach where, instead to pursue them, arrest them and judge them, not known whether as a matter of "honor" were allowed to run quietly with the booty. As said: the Army to play soldiers. Now, if you agree, I have earned. I say.
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