Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kavya Madhavan Preganant


Placement to make the bed material:
We will have two cars: one to wear clean clothes and another to collect the laundry.
The material needed to make a bed is placed in reverse order of use:
  1. pillowcase,
  2. the Quilt, Rug
  3. ,
  4. The top sheet, the meddling
  5. and bottom linen.
Previous procedure:
  1. We wash our hands with soap and water and we will place single-use gloves. The protocol for washing hands is as follows: 1 .- rub our palms vigorously; 2 .- rub our right palm on the back of the left and vice versa; 3 .- rub both palms interlacing fingers rub our backs 4 .- of the flexed fingers for each hand, 5 .- rubbing his right thumb with your left hand and vice versa; 6 .- rub the fingertips of one hand on the palm of the other.
  2. Prepare the material and take you to the room, having prepared the linen and perfectly ordered;
  3. will inform the patient and preserve his privacy;
  4. The room temperature must be appropriate and will avoid it if possible drafts;
  5. We must protect the patient from possible falls, for which it is important that this technique is done by two people;
  6. If not contraindicated, place the bed in a horizontal position (patient lying supine);
  1. En primer lugar, debemos aflojar la ropa de la cama;
  2. Retirar la colcha y la manta. Si están sucias, depositarlas en el carro o bolsa correspondiente;
  3. Dejar la sábana encimera cubriendo al paciente o colocar una toalla de baño por encima. No dejar nunca al paciente totalmente descubierto;
  4. Si es posible, se retira la almohada para cambiarle la funda y se coloca encima de una silla;
  5. Colocar al paciente en decúbito lateral, cercano a uno de los bordes de la cama;
  6. Enrollar la ropa sucia a retirar (entremetida, salvacamas y sábana bottom sheet) from the edge of the bed where we stand, the patient's back;
  7. Starting to bed at the opposite side to that is the patient
  8. We put the clean bottom sheet wrapping it up center of the bed. Is fixed to the head and foot and made the angle or miter;
  9. Place salvacamas meddling and, if needed, to lamisma back so that the bottom sheet and is set along the bed ;
  10. Turn the patient such that it lies above the laundry, endecúbito side and becomes the other half of the bed by removing the laundry;
  11. Roll meddling clean sheet and avoiding wrinkles, tucked under the mattress and making the angle or miter of the two remaining corners;
  12. again placing the patient supine;
  13. Extender the clean top sheet over the patient and remove the dirty or towel used to cover her.
  14. Then place the rest of the clothes (blanket and comforter), tucked comfortably in the foot of the bed so that the loose-fitting clothing so you can move comfortably and avoid erosions and poor posture.
  15. Colocar la almohada limpia por debajo de la cabeza del paciente;
  16. Dejar colocado al paciente en una postura cómoda y adecuada. Que tenga fácil acceso al timbre y a sus objetos personales;
  17. Recoger el material. La ropa sucia no deberá ser aireada ni colocada en el suelo, sino echada directamente en una bolsa de ropa sucia;
  18. Nos retiramos los guantes y nos lavamos las manos nuevamente.

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