The differences between a computer and a normal serum for PVC are
- team has normal serum the bottle containing the solution to infuse a bottle holder and 2 sockets.
- The infusion for P ress V Enosa C entral (PVC) consists of a normal infusion and a third tube that is attached to a scale that measures the PVC (gauge) . We will also use the 3 key steps to open or close the serum and the other tracks.
- drip factor of a normal serum team is 20 drops / cm ³. The drip factor is a microdrip 60 drops / cm ³. It follows that 1 drop of a normal computer equivalent to 3 drops of a microdrip.
Always inform the patient about what he will do, techniques used and how we will do, also because of its performance. This reassures the patient. Will not be disturbed, because you will know what to do. Patient is likely to work more with nurse if you know what they are doing. If you're not nervous, not increase vasoconstriction.
always have to respect it.
Procedure: How to purge a serum?
first prepared the serum:
- Check the bottle, the solution and stopper are in perfect condition and expiration date. Remove
- protection serum.
- asepticize stopper with an antiseptic.
- Connect the equipment.
- team off water. Press
- drip chamber to fill it in half.
- Raise a little bottle of perfusion and slightly open the key, so that the liquid fills up the tubing to the end.
- Once it is all full of liquid back to close the tap.
- serum already purged.
What central venous pressure measured?
CVP central venous pressure measured, ie the force exerted by the blood level of the right atrium and vena cava is the index the balance between blood volume and contractility of the right heart chambers, ie, between the blood it receives the heart and its ability to accept it.
How to measure?
- the patient is placed supine, removing pillows.
- Locate the patient's chest in the "zero point" corresponding to the right atrium.
- Level gauge zero point obtained with the patient's chest. Fill
- liquid column manometer connected to the infusion.
- liquid column must be free of air. Turn the key
- 3-way stopcock, closing the patient's drip and opening the key that connects the liquid column with the patient. Close
- key gauge communicating with the patient and open connecting the drip bottle gauge.
- Fill the column.
- Shut off the gauge.
- Let it flow again leaking from the patient, making sure the pace is appropriate.
What is the use a key 3-step?
several ways you can use without having to play in several places the patient or disconnect from serum. With un solo catéter podemos administrar sueros, medicación, medir la PVC, etc.
¿ Cómo se utiliza?
- Es como un grifo, con un accionador que moviéndolo hacia un lado o hacia otro te permite abrir o cerrar una vía.
- Permite tener 3 vías que pueden estar: Cerradas, 2 abiertas, o sólo una abierta.
- MantenimientoVigilar que no se obstruya el catéter por trombos.
- Vaciar el frasco del suero antes de que esté totalmente vacío, para evitar la obstrucción del catéter por coagulación de la sangre.
- Vigilar el cambio de apósito.
- time of puncture.
- Number and type of solution, and the enclosed medication.
- Dosage and administration time.
- number of drops per minute.
- model and caliber of the needle or catheter.
- puncture point.
- Age of the patient.
- name of the patient.
- Comments on the status of the patient, tolerance and the puncture site.
- anomalies if any.
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