Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Is My Muscle Spasm Baby Moving
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Period 6 Days Late Soft Cervix
She holds the position that just takes advantage of loopholes that little or no democratic (it was the people, but the finger of Alperi who called Mayor) made a show of respect to a wrong Democracy is understood that means other than the PP, and so it goes.
An example is the lack of authority and value that is given to Parliament that are, by definition, democratic representation of the people by the Democratic mayor.
The Law of Historical Memory was published in the Boletin Oficial del Estado, meaning that newspaper which informs all of what our representatives approved or denied, and countersigned by the Head of State, although it was tax was later confirmed by the English people themselves.
To all those who la presente vieren y
Sabed: Que las Cortes Generales han aprobado y Yo vengo en
sancionar la siguiente Ley
El PP de Alicante, o mejor, la alcaldesa de Alperi ni la vio ni la entendió.
La democracia de Dª Sonia Castedo es un juego de la oca.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Play Sample Trailer 4

Thus, the PSOE has already been used a total of 2340.4 million euros to finance needs of a 'non-discretionary' and 'unexpected'. More spending increases.
Thus, the Fund currently has only 710.75 million to finance the items not covered in the General State Budget (PGE) in 2008 which may arise in the remainder of the year.
This comes at a time when Spain is immersed in a super economic crisis, according to the actual Pedro Solbes, not bottom out until 2009 and that, therefore, may generate more unanticipated increases in spending over the next six months.
The emergence of new spending would be a problem for Zapatero's misrule, because in just six months it has spent more than three-fourths of the total budget of the Contingency Fund for 2008 and has already assumed that this accounts year ended with a deficit.
of budget changes from this fund, the largest item was received by the Ministry of Defence until 30 June, has uploaded a total of 720.4 million euros, due mainly to the extension of credit for meet the expenses incurred by the participation of the English armed forces in maintaining peace operations, changes in the uniformity of the solder ...
is followed by the Ministry of Development, with a total of 363.5 million euros, due to the extraordinary credit granted to enable the signing of two cooperation agreements on railways and roads to Catalonia, which amounted to 357.5 million
It was followed by the Ministry of the Interior, with a total of 228.6 million euros to finance, among other things, expanding the deployment of the Autonomous Police in Catalonia, the Ministry of Public Administration with 56.9 million euros, and the Ministry of Economy and Finance, with 46.7 million.
Finally, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food used until June 44,050,000 Fund, Labour and Social Affairs (40.8 million), Environment (34.5 million), Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (7, 6 million) and, finally, the Ministry of Education and Science, with 358,606 euros. FEAR
political cost of ZP
The PP has said that the president's misrule, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, will not do what he wants to do to tackle the economic crisis, because they are afraid the political cost that goes to suppose.
To rule have to be brave and ZP will not do what you want done because he has fear of political costs that it will remain, because cowardice governing practice and he is more convenient to tinkering with other pro-independence parties and minority groups in different territories, as you can go rule or knowledge.
Now we have a government, but 17 ministers headless chickens, which are each to every man for himself because he says it replicates one another. Untrustworthy who yesterday said that Batasuna were men of peace and now say they are lousy. Nor is legit who sneaked into the city councils ANV and now says it wants to drive, or who said yesterday that negotiations with ETA is over and now says it will continue.
What that television does not teach the appearance of Malena by the accident of Barajas. ZP
cockiness was allowed to keep one of the ministers (and ministers) more incompententes and embarrassing the entire democratic history. Apart from its bad management, by its cockney ways. Despite the overwhelming majority of televisions "liberal" has been impossible to cover the hearings of strake 'stew' Malena Alvarez. But not everything taught. Internet, the leak in that filter to make the big chains, offers a glorious moment.
whole of Spain is bursting with indignation with incompetent Maleni
Alvarez who can not manage anything.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
How Can You Regain Kidney Function

"Ignorance or concealment of the truth? Solbes, has recognized, finally, what many (including PP) had been warning for some time. We attended the "worst crisis that I have knowledge, since I have reason, and I have 66 years."
Solbes has said it is difficult to compare with the crisis of 29, but it is true that a number of factors affecting growth in the U.S. and Europe. And of course, also Spain, following the bursting of the brick and the outbreak of the international credit crisis, is facing one of the worst economic situations in decades.
That's right. According to Solbes, "always said that 2008 would be very difficult" for Spain. Really?.
Solbes has been silent all this time and left to do. Has allowed the futility of Zapatero continue its strategy of more and more government spending so expensive that we will come out, because it will trigger further public deficit, which implies, necessarily and unfortunately, that interest rates rise , investment and consumption will not soar and unemployment continue its bull run.
Solbes has also agreed that the economic policy of this legislature is limited to four populist measures to the gallery rather than force, at least, the debates about the reforms that this country needs to combat inflation, a soaring deficit and unemployment, while many families and businesses will see them and want them to succeed at the high cost of life and the underfunding currently prevailing in our country. While this was going, Solbes was silent, not saying a peep just and losing precious time to absorb, first, how hard that is hitting us and we will hit the crisis and then to get beyond what soon as possible, because guess what is behind the sharp drop in growth, which may extend two years, not one as the Government is a long period of economic stagnation.
If Solbes had spoken at the time, Zapatero probably would not have been forced to start taking action ... (If you talk about the impact it had had the PSOE in the general elections) or remove the economic vice. But the silence, with his silent guilt, Solbes has become complicit in a crazy action in some cases and a dramatic inaction on the other that the English economy is going to pay very expensive.
Now that supports not only that we are in crisis, but it is very serious, Solbes should be consistent with their words and start doing what the circumstances require, which is neither more nor less than what is expected of their position and behind him, Zapatero to conceal evidence that had already denounced the Popular Party.
Spain does not deserve a government that lies. (Rubalcaba).
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Get Well Prestents For Stroke Victims
Monday, August 25, 2008
Similares Akiba Online
fell outside the rule of law, and seeking to evade or defer, with intrigues and subterfuges, accounts of political suicide, a further deterioration of their image or a miscarriage infiltrated a ballot box.
Mr. Alperi should follow the advice of his party chairman, Mr. Rajoy, who insists that the law-all, without exception, are to observe and abide by, and look in the mirror of the municipal council of San Vicente del Raspeig -or in other municipalities, also neighbors, as mayor, also PP, convened months ago in order to remove the dictator's appointment adopted child, after seeking a legal report, which notes the imperative of Law 52/2007, known as the Law of Historical Memory: definitely not mandatory and facultative and even less manipulable. Law in article 15 states that: "The government in the exercise of its powers shall take appropriate measures for the removal of shields, badges, plaques and other commemorative objects or references or collective exaltation of the military rebellion, civil war and repression of the dictatorship ", so that in implementing it, should the withdrawal, and subsequent cancellation, by our present Constitution Hall, the various honors given to the dictator, submissive to the same corporations and other individuals involved in the cases above were related.
The Civic Commission for the Recovery of Historical Memory summons back to the mayor to retract his usual evasive statements and acts by virtue not only of the legal mandate, but also the responsibilities of a democracy, that nobody and nothing should obscure.
For the Civic Commission:
Fernando Trives, Daniel Moya, Antonio Martin Lillo, Oscar Llopis, Miguel Mauri, Manuel Parra, Luis Pesquera, Cerdan Tato and other
Current Gdp, Crr, Repo

Government media are no doubt many and powerful. Been misinformed, silenced the crisis that came over us and many other things, intoxicated, abetting and encouraging the current situción España.Pero have all other powers are hidden and powerful are those who truly are feeding the beast and allowing degeneration in process of decomposition of English society, brutish and deceived. Other powers in the shadows are as guilty as the media apesebrados and rotting. The great power of the state and its evil sewage-smelling, dark and asquerosamete infect.
President Zapatero is the lowest rating from the English. With a grade of 5.2. According
survey published by El Mundo, the socialist desgobernante tail appears in many of the classifications of the study. Zapatero appears as the head of government less honest in the history of democracy in Spain, while Adolfo Suarez is the most valuable in this regard. Likewise in the vote on the worst representative of Spain on the outside, in which the Socialist leader, took the worst position as leader of UCD which gets top marks.
Regarding the economy, Zapatero is the only President of Spain stopped with a note of 4.8 while the best economic managers for the English would Suárez and Aznar. In the backbone of the nation and defending the unity of the country, the current head of government is again the worst in this respect with one big difference with the other four presidents of democracy.
Well, ... What to know that, we need a survey?. For what little it serves is to confirm what I smelled me some time: People are more false than a piece of paper. When you talk to close acquaintances and so on. economy or other issues that concern all citizens, everyone raves ... ZP that if this, that if this one .... ZP . Then, in the elections milk, is not it everybody was dissatisfied?. Finally, we are.
Better late than never, but ... have not discovered the world, this makes a very long time which is palpable as ....... 5 years ago for nothing else.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
High Cervix Before Period Lips
I do not mean stifling heat made in our place Hall, normal for this time of year, I mean "shame" in another of its meanings: "Suffocation caused by something that offends, annoys or ashamed. " Because I feel embarrassed, upset and offended by the behavior of our mayor, for his response to the new Ombudsman over its refusal to withdraw the honorary degrees granted in his day the dictator Franco by Franco council did not represent the people, having been hand-picked. As stated by Carlos Gómez Gil, this halfhearted response, derogatory to the new Catalan tax precisely because of the PP, "insists his stubborn attitude of disrespect for the laws in force." In a word, which makes a new raspberry to the Law of Historical Memory. In a letter of the new Catalan, Carlos Morenilla complains of "lack of cooperation accredited Hall ', what honor, taking into account which party governs in it. In other words, it also makes a raspberry to the Catalan, and rebound his own party, the PP. An arrogant attitude that reflects the ideology and spirit of our mayor. I am ashamed that a person of his career has been voted by many Alicante repeatedly, despite his disastrous management of urban and suspicious Alicante, and now with his refusal to get rid of the shame of having such a beloved character military traitor rebelled against the legal and democratic government elected by the people, causing a terrible war and postwar monstrous. Surely, those who voted chose not to him but his party, and that was seen in the results of recent local and regional elections. But I, if PP supporter, neither would have voted, that we have had time to meet him, and it appears that more than military in the PP belongs to the glorious (!) National Movement. Your attitude is the same, exactly the same, that of any nationalist mayor of Euzkadi who refuses to remove the banner from a street dedicated to a criminal ETA. With the quantitative difference, not qualitative, that Franco was responsible for many more violent deaths, torture, harassment, retaliation, exiles and other cruelties that no Basque terrorist. I helped the first few days to get the 25,000 signatures required Alperi Mayor to ensure the withdrawal of honors the dictator. Now I regret it, considering that this requirement is an offense, a swallow it inadmissible. That there is the law and the historic dignity of the English, so that no one wants us to charge a premium of humiliation to fulfill what is already legally disposed. I am outraged, embarrassed and angry with the injustices that allow a character of this type can achieve the highest dignity of my dear terreta. Or he could have reached higher or lower from Alicante. Although Winston Churchill said: "Every people has the government it deserves." What you going to do.
Oca Miguel Ángel Pérez
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Letter For Commercial Offer
The mayor stated that the Historical Memory is not mandatory and is hosting the Local Government to require 25,000 signatures to remove the dictator
Titles Only seven lines has necessitated the Mayor of Alicante to dispatch the request for information from the Ombudsman about the decision to Luis Diaz Alperi to condition the withdrawal of certificates and citations to the dictator Francisco Franco to the presentation of 25,000 signatures. In his brief response to the new regional Ombudsman, the mayor argues that the Act Regulating the Local System empowers him to make that decision and that the Law of Historical Memory "does not contain any mandatory on the question." The Platform for Citizen Initiatives (PIC), promoter of the complaint that prompted the intervention of the Ombudsman believes that the answer "reluctantly" Alperi evidence of "lack of respect for the law in force" and its desire not to comply with the Act Historical Memory. For its part, the new Catalan Carlos Morenilla complains that the City Council his "lack of cooperation accredited" in this case, an obstructive attitude that the Ombudsman shall include in its next annual report to the Cortes.La new rebuke of the Catalan has its origins in the full municipal Feb. 22 in which the PP rejected the Socialist proposal to eliminate the title of Son of Alicante granted in 1940 to Franco, and the withdrawal of all symbols and exaltation relating to the Franco regime as stipulated in the Law of Historical Memory. At the same meeting, agreed to withdraw Alperi honors the dictator if in two years are presented 25,000 signatures in support of Alperi iniciativa.La motivated decision-seven days after the February 29, a complaint to the Ombudsman by part of the PIC on the ground "legally unacceptable" that the mayor imposes by law enforcement a requirement not specified in it as is collecting 25,000 signatures. Once declared admissible the complaint, the Trustee Emilia Caballero then sent on 1 April a letter to City Council in requesting information on the position of mayor and his group of government in relation to the Law of Historical Memory. Silence municipal.Tres months later, and once accomplished the PP long effort by relieving Knight in front of the Syndicate, the new Catalan Carlos Morenilla again require the Town Hall on 4 July "to urgently send us information they repeatedly ask. " It is in this same letter in which Morenilla reflects "the proven lack of cooperation from the Administration intervening [the City] that manifests itself in this matter "and that" the attitude of the authority [municipal] consists in the relevant section of the annual report will shortly be presented to the Valencian Parliament. "This time, the Mayor's response was faster. On July 18, said the Catalan with very few lines that its decision "as Chairman of the Plenary conditioning the debate and vote in municipal plenary of the request because the complaint was based on the powers that the Act Regulating the Local System of April 2, 1985, gives the President the plenary. "A second and last paragraph, Alperi not give the hint about the application in this case the Law of Historical Memory by recognizing and extending rights and establishing measures for those who suffered persecution or violence during the civil war and dictatorship. "I understand that it does not contain any mandatory on the question," he concludes in his brief letter the mayor. JE
Letter To Disconnect My Internet Immediately
"offered half-hearted response by the Mayor of Alicante insists his stubborn attitude of disrespect for the laws in force", said yesterday the coordinator of the Platform Initiatives Carlos Gómez Gil citizens. "Besides," he continued, "is inaccurate, lacking legal rigor and alien to the truth. "So what have noted the members of the PIC in its recent written statement to the Ombudsman, which criticized the" belated and brief response "Alperi alcalde.De this reply, ICP finds that the mayor is allowed to do "what he wants" under the Basic Law on Local Government. At this point, Gómez Gil states that the mayor's decision to require 25,000 signatures for a case may be subject to debate in the House "is so arbitrary and lawless, having no legal or regulatory support of any kind." Second, it emphasizes that the Law of Historical Memory is "mandatory and is, therefore, character imperative and in fact is taking place in many municipalities and other public institutions in Spain. "
Is Billy Martin Aneroxic
Alicante City Council is usually included in the report of the Ombudsman presented annually in the Valencian Parliament as one of the most resistance offered to collaborate with the institution responsible for defending interests of citizens against the alleged excesses of government. Like many others, either by urban issues or any other measures, integrates with punctuality blacklist rogue municipalities. Although the reprimand does not have much effect on the lack of a penalty, it serves to at least try to get the colors to the target of criticism. That is what has made Carlos Morenilla to reconvene the mayor of Alicante for its "lack of cooperation accredited" in the stormy issue of the request by the Socialist group who were withdrawn Franco honors and titles granted after the civil war. That complaint was answered by Alperi plenary session in February with a foot out of the bank and the requirement that petitioners submit 25,000 signatures if they wanted to see his goal, guarantee that others have ignored consistory of PP when the dictator strip of awards and medals are stored in local files from mothballs. And the mayor argued, as it has now in its reply to the Ombudsman, the Law of Historical Memory aprobada por el Congreso en su día no era de aplicación en este asunto. La única diferencia es que el destinatario ha cambiado. El actual fue impuesto en julio por el Partido Popular después de un paripé negociador con los socialistas que se prolongó durante meses. O sea que siendo cuñas de la misma madera a lo mejor incluso tiene más enjundia el reproche.
Does Insurance Cover The Premier Bath
JEM José Antonio neighborhood, Plaza de la Division Azul, streets of the French commander of Fifty, captains, generals and lieutenants, ... Some seventy streets, squares and neighborhoods of Alicante still retain the names alluding to the Franco dictatorship and some other not so far been opened public discussion on the desirability or sustitución.El not its Article 15.1 of the Historical Memory Law is very clear when it states that "the government, in the exercise their competence, take measures for the removal of shields, badges, plaques and other commemorative objects or references exaltation, personal or collective military uprising, the Civil War and the repression of the dictatorship ". The main inconvenience to push for change of name in these streets is to the "unpopular" measure, since the multiple businesses, offices and firms located in them, especially in the downtown area, would be forced to assume a more economic cost fairly high to change its corporate name in all types of internal documents, business cards and other media. Municipal sources confirmed yesterday that the Socialist Group is in favor of replacing the street names "go by gradually because the current time is not good for companies and individuals to take on new spending." Following the refusal to discuss withdrawal Alperi honors Franco, PSOE focused on the measure could be carried out in other municipalities of the province as being made in San Juan, Villena, Novelda, Elche and San Vicente, among others. The latter case, materialized on 28 May, is particularly relevant because it is governed by the popular Pastor Luisa. In the Provincial Government refused to withdraw the PP dictator distinctions, arguing that Franco is dead and buried. "
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Lee Mead Joseph Reviews
Ya parece que nos hemos olvidado de que nuestro querido alcalde no le ha quitado el título de hijo predilecto al generalísimo Francisco Franco, quizá por simpatía, porque un pariente suyo fue alcalde bajo su mandato, o porque su ideal se asemeja al suyo, the case is that it has been unable to do justice to this city and dispossessed as controversial title. You might not remember that the first he knew this city of this man is that he led the army to bombard the market ordered by Italian aircraft Alicante fascists, killing three hundred civilians, mostly women and children, or do migrate to Hundreds of Alicante by the repression ordered during the war, or going to be a small but symbolic, to become, thanks to their mayors and partners the best area to invest in bricks of the entire Levant region (more or least as it has been lately) despising the cultural heritage of the city or may not remember that this city after all is proud to be the most withstood the onslaught national democratic maintained almost until the end of civil war. And I'll tell more to the Mayor who claims that what happens is that all this is forgotten, because you know that you have voted and the only reason I think it has a moral duty, as representative of citizens take this honor someone who won with weapons, blood and pain, and does justice to democracy and history. If the alternative to take the title is that your boss Ortiz send it, I would urge you like to do when you can. Rodolfo
Information Journal 11/08/2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
Wedding Invitation Wording Pay For Own Meal
No one who has internalized the basic elements of democracy can relate to, even partially, with the Franco regime and if do is to immediately abandon their positions in political parties and democratic institutions. Who justifies, harbors and protects, maintains even symbolically or qualify proudly dictatorial and inhumane form of governing the coexistence, as was the Franco regime is, without doubt, a disabled person to establish any constitutional body. Who
to get some votes nostalgic memory holds about tough years, in which human rights are systematically violated, in which the prisons were filled with people just because of their ideology, in which the penalty death was imposed on the basis of spurious and without warranty processes, etc. is simply an accomplice of terror. I say all the words terror, although many English people do not have it then, it never came to fulfill the majority, that confer rights, the vast majority have never held the free speech, opinion, assembly, demonstration, etc. .
who resigned his year lived in peace. Those who, by contrast, fought for what we enjoy today normally experienced in the flesh fear, terror, prison, the plundering of their property and discrimination from their families. Many will have to deny these facts and ignoring reality do so, so stubborn are some to justify their beliefs based on falsehood, do not hesitate to distort reality itself, even lying to those who did not live those years and fables about its supposed greatness. They are so irresponsible they can be spreading the seeds of hatred, division, lack of respect for others. Denying that I had only an ideology, the official and who keep other was simply a criminal and as such was treated.
That a councilman, in this case, Orihuela, ose rate the Franco regime as the exponent of Spain "great and free" is not just some stupid thing that qualifies as such, but the expression of that democracy has permeated those are more comfortable in the scope of the "greatness and freedom" of the single party, the imposition on the other. If for someone denial of rights and freedoms is an expression of the greatness and freedom, that someone must be immediately excluded from areas representative of a democratic regime. Entiéndaseme well, not excluded from their rights, which recognize and respect, but of democratic representation and does not feel it. Or at least, the defending party, as the PP, whose statutes are incompatible with democracy and those who admire or respect even authoritarianism. It is, therefore, the PP must act firmly and do not tolerate actions like the ones I quote these lines. That municipalities Alicante and Benidorm and the Diputación Provincial, keep titles to Franco's favorite son, is an outrage that goes beyond the fact of violation of the law of historical memory and who votes for the perpetuation of the dictatorship of an irresponsible authoritarian inclinations for many justifications search arguments in another country would disqualify him absolutely.
reconciliation can only be complete when it recognizes the reality, when accepting the quality of the Franco regime dictatorial unmitigated, the assumption of its injustices, when they honor their victims. No one looks as a condemnation of the victors. They have already been condemned by all, less for their nostalgic. But respect for the vanquished that deserved respect for the fact that what is defended set of values \u200b\u200bthat now dominate the democratic coexistence. Further proof of reason is impossible.
Refuses Alicante Port facilities to be located at a monument to the last Republican who left Spain or did not make it the most miserable being transported to concentration camps. For this purpose, has no qualms about its board to argue that administrative rules do not apply to the case in a legal action or the unfortunate best likely to be taken as a joke if it were not there been inspired from the most incomprehensible nostalgia, ignoring other rules, perhaps unknown intent, under whose protection it is impossible to deny the memory of shame. Even to oppose the recognition of those who suffered repression, no doubt the Port to create a sort of post-petition ordinance, only case with trying to cover the reality of their actions, that is not reconciliation as claimed but the protection of Franco. That and no other is the reason that indirectly protects the always felt at home in the repression of those who today are his adversaries and even dare to rule this bull skin.
If you go to Europe will see their cities full of tributes to those who fought against fascism and Nazism. Shown with pride in resistance to authoritarian regimes. Not so in Spain even though the Franco regime was a regime similar to them. To deny that is foolishness or a sample of close to what should never happen. Too bad you have to have passed a law so that truth will be light, but greater shame is that even that law is evaded. To all of them, who want to perpetuate and idealize a shameful regime, publicly accuses them their behavior and call them to sanity. Many prisoners and many killed to defend what we now all enjoy, even themselves with their unlawful conduct, called from the memory of honesty. I say honesty in the broadest sense of the word. And who reply to this article should know that at the time of his admired General could not have done, would have cost the jail to oppose the government.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Even a few days before landfall in Spain, the dictator Chavez was attacking the representative of the English Crown. But that has not imported anything like a socialist and republican government, nor to a Royal House that seems mesmerized by the siren songs of English socialism. There are photos in Marivent to bequeath to posterity that the King receives Chavez as if none of its malicious abuse had ever occurred, and see that their words and rudeness to Venezuelan dictator was a thing of kids. But it was not. The words on that of Hector Chavez exceeded the tolerable. His stubborn streak and repeated on the pathological.
quickly the government and related media have justified the friendly meeting between the King and the Venezuelan what came of it, that Chavez is lower the price of 10,000 barrels of oil by 30%. If that was the price to be forgiven, King should have thought twice. Years ago, when Americans donated $ 400 million the Socialist government of Felipe Gonzales for the use of military bases, then president English decided to neglect this gift on the grounds that a sovereign nation should not be subjected to such gifts. And he was right. Another more recent case. The former Labour London mayor, Ken Livingstone, known as the red, also benefited from the gifts of Chavez, who contributed to the coffers of the mayor of London with cheap energy for their buses. His successor, Conservative Boris Johnson, has chosen to cut their losses this agreement will only inspire revulsion and Chavez has denied any gift whatsoever. There are vendors with which they might not join.
English King is used to going to the aid of the English economy and its energy sector. He did in the mid 70's to alleviate their contacts in the Gulf oil rising after the oil shock led by the Arab defeat in the Yom Kippur War. In other operations which do not always his image has benefited, as these strange KIO loans at the end of the 80 that were revealed by the 1991 Gulf war. Should know to stay away from unsavory characters like the current dictator of Caracas. While we leave most expensive barrel of oil.
Those who sympathized with the monarch to the histrionic grievances sustained Hugo Chavez will no doubt be questions of complicity after the crossing has been given in Marivent. It is a disgrace but what should the government do not always convenient for the Royal Household.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Interview Suit Juniors

Personally I lean toward the first option, but whatever the answer you choose, nothing relieves the Socialist government of its enormous responsibility for not having foreseen this crisis and failing to take timely steps to counter the most damaging effects on our economy. The current crisis is largely a result of lack of foresight and inability to confront this government.
Although Zapatero's obstinacy to deny reality, few English now have doubts about the true extent of the economic crisis that we suffer. Inflation above five percent means that every day is more expensive to fill the basket or the tank car. To make matters worse, the mortgage, which for many families is half of their income grows inexorably having nearly doubled the monthly fee in the past four years. All this means that an increasing number of families living distressed to make ends meet.
Spain The economic slowdown has curbed its growth-dry is most undesirable effect of causing a dramatic increase in unemployment. There are now nearly 2.5 million unemployed in our country, 200,000 more than he inherited Zapatero, and each day three thousand more are added to the list of desperation. The minister's own estimates suggest that job here a year in Spain could have a million more unemployed. No more anti-social policy than that which destroys jobs.
Zapatero, who for too long has been trying to deceive the English denying evidence of this crisis, now adds two new lies to his vast repertoire to point out that the blame is solely on external factors such as rising oil prices or interest rates, and that Spain is, thanks to him, better prepared than any other country to address this crisis. Comparative data with the main European economies expose this double lie.
The reality is that Spain has happened with the Socialist government to stay ahead of growth in Europe to be in the queue. Germany rose by 1.5 percent in the first half of this year, France 0.6 percent, but Spain did so only 0.3. In addition, our rate Unemployment increased in recent months than any other European country. English female unemployment is twice that of the European Union average. And the inflation differential with the euro area has grown to more than one point apart.
The price of oil has grown the same for all European countries and interest rates are the same for everyone, but some countries thanks to the economic policies of their governments are aware cushion the effects of the crisis. Zapatero, however, has become its lack of foresight, with their lies and their failure to take the necessary measures, the main risk factor for our economy.
Once the crisis has erupted in all its rawness is more difficult to counteract its effects. In any case, the recipes are just the opposite applied to those who Zapatero is proposing. We must reduce taxes rather than increasing the tax burden must be reduced spending rather than creating new ministries to serve the frivolity of a "member" of the government, we must encourage lending to businesses, we must fight against inflation instead of punishing the families even as did the Minister Sebastian with the latest rise in electricity tariffs, and we must regain the confidence of economic actors is in tatters. In any case, it difficult for us to get out of this crisis while Zapatero previously out of La Moncloa.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Baby Small Capillaries Cheeks

Minute Digital, the City of Toledo sociatas have paid 'artist' with money for the Third World. How do you have left the body after this?
sociata The City of Toledo hired for the celebrations of Corpus Ana Belén (personage of reference for English liberals) and his performance was paid for with cash games to 0.7 in cooperation with the Third World in particular is pocketed 57,813 euros for costs of the concert and the cache of the 'lady', a few items of cooperation with countries in need or very poor. Emiliano García-Page , "and called the gentleman mayor of Toledo, of course a socialist, has tried to explain his team argue that municipal government has paid for this concert the money that was meant to 0.7 because the fund would be intended for charitable projects in the villages of Sahel .
The problem comes because the concert was not as expected by its organizers and only raised 11,813 euros, so the 'humanitarian business' has resulted in a loss of 46,000 euros, for the Socialists is that they have spent 57,813 euros, could have gone directly to the third world, in solidarity with mounting Ana Belén soiree to raise 11,800 euros. The PSOE mayor also has an explanation for such nonsense, because the main goal was to appeal to the solidarity and not recaudatorio (¿?¿?).
This mayor should be in jail. For taking the photo and payment to support this 'artist' to the PSOE or digital canon, obscurantism, improvisation, disorder and lack of sensitivity of the government he leads in the city of Toledo as 'sir' Page .
With 'salvapobres' as these birds are Aviados the needy in the Third World. That it the SGAE, Ana Belén and the mother who bore them, to these 'extras' will not notice the severe economic crisis suffered by the English through the futility of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and his team of nonsense.
As ZP is that gives 500 million no! Do not know where Zapatero will take 500 million euros (84,000 million pesetas) to combat world hunger. In the midst of economic crisis and the surplus no longer exists, such a promise shows once again the recklessness and the ease with which Zapatero leads public affairs. Where did you get that money going? What aids the integration of immigrants, unemployment subsidies, spending on health, infrastructure budget? Or the 0.7 that we give in aid and international cooperation?, So that eventually the truth is that nothing that we give and give. Not to enter into an analysis of how useless it is this Such measures of shooting a bottomless money pit, and carrying decades without any results. But that is another matter.
Anyway, ZP, master of demagoguery, is like God. Listen to put a round for everyone to pay and see who pays. We know that he says, then we'll see what we do. At the end of the day is not the first time you lie, the English presidential custom seems to overlook.
Some, notice that we are selfish, we would advise ZP think in English first, rather than go giving away the money of others, to pose as generous salvapobres. With rampant unemployment and economic forecasts released yesterday by the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) already cut our growth to 1.6% this year, out of 2% Solbes said on Tuesday and predicted that the situation will not improve next year when our economy would grow just 1.1%, ie, be the first time that Spain would grow unless the European Union average, you'd better book those 500 million to alleviate the problems of our workers.
But this kind of discourse, simplistic, full of goofy goodism with little or no real substance sold very well. People stay with the fight song that Zapatero hunger, and then you get those 500 million or fall, are employed in something useful or serve or fail to count for something, nobody will remember. It creates a shed for summits, forums and meetings, where there is much talk of solidarity while raising dinner seafood soup for the poor, and everything fixed.
Of course, look like Zapatero and the Socialists were concerned with the poor and hungry this week when the PP led to the full congress a motion asking the Government to employ a senior limiting criteria and implement a strong containment of public spending at the time of the creation of new senior and executive bodies of government General, the initiative was rejected by the votes against the PSOE and its nationalist allies. And is that you know, charity begins with oneself.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Should I Wear Heels To An Ice Skating Date?
San Vicente City Council removed the title of adopted son Franco
The full Council of San Vicente del Raspeig today unanimously approved withdrawing the title of adopted son to Francisco Franco, which was granted by the municipality in 1940, as reported by local sources. EFE
Information Journal 28/05/2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Funny Wedding Wording
Although the memory of all those killed in this cruel bombing calendars do not need to stay alive if need an event like this to demonstrate to those who have tried for years to silence, to their shame, such a criminal attack that Alicante and we will remember.
And it is this memory that we have inherited, now at last, is law and as such, must be implemented by all and the first in this effort should be exemplary, our institutions but, as is common knowledge in their repeated disdain shown, unfortunately, quite the opposite.
We, people of Alicante survivors, we must enforce this Law of Historical Memory following all avenues, including judicial, as may be necessary as memory compels us and we require the victims.
Next Saturday May 24, 2008 at 12:00 pm in the Plaza de las Flores Central Market in Alicante, Alicante Civic Commission for Recovery Historical Memory invites you all to a simple and moving ceremony which will lay a wreath in memory of the nearly four Alicante Alicante and killed in the most terrible bombing our city suffered during the Civil War, an act to be joined, as in previous years, various civic organizations, political parties and individuals Alicante. Memory is
Bill, let it happen.
Alicante Civic Commission for the Recovery of Historical Memory
Sunday, May 18, 2008
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read the story in the Journal
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Chest Infection Days Off From Work
Cities have heart, arteries, arms and memory.
If the roots are denied the right to become ghosts memory fabric and dirt covered in ghostly places that do not know where they come from or where they roam while the spectral world of manipulation and indifference.
Starting from the very heart of the city and taking one of his main arteries arrived at Cypress Road, the last ride, and from there to the place where survivors boxes stored in their memories.
There is a lot at the municipal cemetery of Alicante has no gravestones or names even though under their homelands lie hundreds of Alicante, many of which (about four) were destroyed on Market soil that May 25, 1938.
was almost impossible to identify most of them.
bombs were ninety-called "revientamanzanas", ie the most rabidly destructive, made three passes, the first reconnaissance and target acquisition, the siren did not sound, the second for birth death and rivers of blood coming down the ravine, the third of grace if there was anyone alive.
The objectives were mainly civilians, away from military element.
On Sunday May 25 will be fulfilled seventy, seventy.
the fascists Savoia Italians under the command of rebel General Francisco Franco took it out on the town with all the cruelty of fascism and irrational hatred.
was without doubt the most terrifying bombardment of all attacks in the city of Alicante, much more, even the so-called eight hours.
More terrifying was so long kept silent about these victims. It was in 1988 when for the first time, is published in the Journal an article Chronicler Information Officer City D. Enrique Cerdan Tato which relates to all the cruelty of reality, what happened that tragic day in May.
return, as all the years, the square of the flowers, the Central Mercado, someone has to pay them the tribute they deserve, year after year. Come back and join us as each year more and more from Alicante, the Platform for Citizen Initiatives Alicante Vivo Cultural Association, political parties, each year.
Be consistent in what they can.
The City can not place a plaque in memory of those killed in the bombing of an orderly market and pampered by their own mayor and keep Perpetual swashbuckling awarded the honors are deserved and that force is as follows reading of the minutes of the municipal council of 22 last February, arguing that both the People's spokesperson D. Andrés Llorens Fuster (former President of the Management Committee of the Bonfires of Alicante) and the Mayor of the City Council President D. Luis Diaz Alperi.
In such sessions shall be declared, they and the rest of the group popular with his arm raised, publicly opposed the withdrawal of honorary titles awarded to the Dictator.
And the dead wait.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Fetiche Por Headscissors
As colleagues have made San Juan de Alicante, have moved there and have removed the honors.
will mobilize ALL, ye of the people you are, mobilize your friends and bring in your City Council to enforce the law. The
Alicante is no exception.
If you want you can send photos to your people in the Francoist symbols appear, we will open a section to display your pictures and see if someone drops his head in shame.
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REGULAR MEETING - No. 4 / 2008
DATE: 22-FEB-2008
The Spokesman Don Andrés Llorens Fuster, states that the government team and the PP in general, has always been a staunch advocate of democracy and constitutionality of the English and has been against any character that violates these principles. Therefore, the position before the filing of this Motion by the GS will be consistent with constitutional principles and the conduct of all democratic Corporations Alicante, with socialist governments led by Mr. Lassaletta and Mr. Moon, and will occupy the present and the future, which is what really worries you, and not the past, as claimed by the motion of the GS, wondering, also, why has it now and not before, unless, he says, it fulfills the PSOE's electoral slogan of creating tension and drama during the election campaign and to convey to the public view, as the announcer SER recently interviewed him, the PP as the last redoubt of the English extreme right and its affiliates and supporters, as fascist and totalitarian.
announced that the GP, true to its principles, will not support the Motion of GS, because they do not like the past and, as before, continue to work for the present and future of Alicante. (...)
Closes debate the Mayor-President which states that it is very clear, unlike the GS, the Law of Historical Memory which aims to affect the GS with the motions, or that it is an issue of particular interest to Alicante, nor be needed law to carry out the initiative now proposed, as in the sixteen years of socialist governments
city, nothing was done in this regard.
continues and no one says he has to give lessons of democracy, recalling his youth when he went to secret meetings for the establishment of democracy and freedom in Spain and when he was elected President of the Congress, a of his first acts, was the removal of Francoist symbols, but, nevertheless, does not share the motion presented by the GS, because it is only the result of electoral opportunism to stress and dramatize and therefore, the GP is not shared and not going to support.
Addressing the representatives socialists nevertheless says, "that if they can get from Alicante twenty-five thousand signatures counted to support the initiative contained in the Motion, is committed to raising the corresponding plenary for approval.
put the motion to the vote, is DENIED, by majority of 15 votes against (GP) and 14 votes for (GS). ------
- PP's position is in line with democratic principles ( In the preliminary section of the Constitution English 1978, Article 9, Section 1, states: "Citizens and public authorities are subject to the Constitution and other legislation" means that a law endorsed by HM King Juan Carlos I and published in the Official Gazette is part of the legal system )
- PP's position is in line with the performance of all democratic corporations, with socialist governments led by Mr. Lassaletta and Mr. Moon ( Memory Law Historical published in the Official Gazette on December 27, 2007 and Mr. Llorens is supporting performance (if only to use as throwing Arama) by socialist governments Lassletta Jose Luis Cano, 1979 to 1991 and the Moon Angel Gonzalez from 1991 to 1995, twelve years before the publication of Law )
- ( despite all this) " the Popular Group will take care of present and future, which is what really worries (...) (...) because you do not like the past . "
For his part, Mr. Mayor-President, Luis Diaz Alperi says:
- That " is not clear that the Law of Historical Memory which seeks to affect the socialist group ." Surely, Mr. Alperi not carefully read the article 15. Symbols and public monuments of the Act which says, literally, at Section 1, " public administrations, in the exercise of its powers, take measures for withdrawal shields, badges, plates and other objects or memorial mentions exaltation, personal or collective , of the military rebellion, the Civil War and the repression of the dictatorship . These measures may include the removal of the subsidy removal or public aid. "
- That " not believe it una cuestión de especial interés para los alicantinos "
- Que " no cree que se necesite una ley para llevar a cabo la iniciativa que ahora se propone " (¿?)
- Que " a él nadie tiene que darle clases de democracia recordando cuando en su juventud acudía a reuniones clandestinas para la instauración de la democracia y de la libertad en España y que una de sus primeras actuaciones cuando fue elegido Presidente de la Diputación fue la retirada de Símbolos Franquistas " ( imagino que como ejemplo valdría la Cruz de los Caídos, y los títulos honoríficos provincial to the dictator and his wife ). Apart from that any political figure in those boards made clandestine democratic remember ever seeing Mr. Alperi, except in poker gambling dens.
- as the climax and as a duel in the sun and putting its attributes on the table (it's a metaphor) proposed to the Socialist Group " if they can get from Alicante twenty-five thousand signatures supporting the initiative counted undertakes for hoisting to the plenary for approval for . "
In short, we do not like the past but when I was young and I removed all symbols Franco and I met clandestinely to bring democracy.
We do not like the past 30 years but nobody did anything to remove the dictator honors.
We are respectful of democratic organization but do not believe that this law has nothing to do with historical memory in fact not a law is needed to remove the titles to the Dictator, what happens is that we will vote against, ie because we feel like it.
Now yes, I have twenty-five thousand signatures of Alicante counted which support the motion approved (not discuss because we are the majority).
"? Penalty
Thursday, May 8, 2008
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response to the most frequently asked question planteais on how to sign on paper and where to deliver the signatures I propose, at present, the following: Downloading
- address http://www.los25000alicantinos.org / firmas.pdf the document to collect signatures. Or clicking on the icon that says you have collecting signatures on the left side of this page. Once collected
- can deliver the Secretariat of the Headquarters of the University of Alicante (C / Ramón y Cajal n º 4 - Canalejas Park) to the attention of Daniel Moya (Civic Committee). Later we
- exits to the street (to be Volunteers accepted.)
and encourage everyone in the 25000!
Monica Roccaforte Info

The problem is that the PSOE failure to diagnose and refuses to adopt economic measures that Spain needed urgently.
Spain grows less and far worse than four years ago, as noted the flood of negative data that have the economy for months: Sharp fall in economic growth, sharp rise in unemployment, exorbitant inflation, unsustainable external deficit, closing thousands of companies, rising delinquencies, plummeting confidence, rising mortgages.
Nevertheless, Zapatero and his acolytes economic ministers, Solbes and Sebastian, refuse to talk about the crisis and described as unpatriotic those who simply call things by their name. The problem is that, by denying the crisis, decline to adopt economic measures that Spain needed urgently.
This crisis could bestial have been avoided, as was predicted since at least 2006 by leading economists who warned about the harmful effects of the disastrous economic policies of the Zapatero Solbes and Sebastian: excessive growth of government spending, higher taxes, increased government intervention in companies (see bid for Endesa), politicization and loss of credit from regulators or the absence of structural economic reforms.
addition, most independent analysts predicts a drastic reduction in economic activity and a brutal rise in unemployment. Thus, existing data so far leave no doubt:
1. Rapid deterioration of economic activity.
2. Rising unemployment : I mean, every day, more than 2,700 people join the unemployment lists. At this rate, in late 2008 may have generated a million newly unemployed in one year.
3. inflation, exorbitant.
4. external deficit: It has shot up 10 percent of GDP.
5. rising mortgages: The Euribor was at 2.05 percent in March 2004. Thus, for an average mortgage (150,000 euros to 30 years Euribor + 0.5 percent, the most common) today English pay 3,084 euros each year more than when Zapatero came to Government, ie 260 euros more per month.
6. increase in defaults and company closures: The official data show a dramatic increase in loan delinquencies and defaults business.
However, only lying to the English Zapatero Solbes and Sebastian can attribute the crisis of the English economy to "external factors". On the other hand, there is a problem of brick, but the whole English economy. So, as the Bank of Spain said in its Economic Bulletin April, the English economy a deep slowdown in all industries.
And we have 4 years ahead of PSOE ...
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