Franco family Reproaches
Alicante City Council is usually included in the report of the Ombudsman presented annually in the Valencian Parliament as one of the most resistance offered to collaborate with the institution responsible for defending interests of citizens against the alleged excesses of government. Like many others, either by urban issues or any other measures, integrates with punctuality blacklist rogue municipalities. Although the reprimand does not have much effect on the lack of a penalty, it serves to at least try to get the colors to the target of criticism. That is what has made Carlos Morenilla to reconvene the mayor of Alicante for its "lack of cooperation accredited" in the stormy issue of the request by the Socialist group who were withdrawn Franco honors and titles granted after the civil war. That complaint was answered by Alperi plenary session in February with a foot out of the bank and the requirement that petitioners submit 25,000 signatures if they wanted to see his goal, guarantee that others have ignored consistory of PP when the dictator strip of awards and medals are stored in local files from mothballs. And the mayor argued, as it has now in its reply to the Ombudsman, the Law of Historical Memory aprobada por el Congreso en su día no era de aplicación en este asunto. La única diferencia es que el destinatario ha cambiado. El actual fue impuesto en julio por el Partido Popular después de un paripé negociador con los socialistas que se prolongó durante meses. O sea que siendo cuñas de la misma madera a lo mejor incluso tiene más enjundia el reproche.
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