Government media are no doubt many and powerful. Been misinformed, silenced the crisis that came over us and many other things, intoxicated, abetting and encouraging the current situción España.Pero have all other powers are hidden and powerful are those who truly are feeding the beast and allowing degeneration in process of decomposition of English society, brutish and deceived. Other powers in the shadows are as guilty as the media apesebrados and rotting. The great power of the state and its evil sewage-smelling, dark and asquerosamete infect.
President Zapatero is the lowest rating from the English. With a grade of 5.2. According
survey published by El Mundo, the socialist desgobernante tail appears in many of the classifications of the study. Zapatero appears as the head of government less honest in the history of democracy in Spain, while Adolfo Suarez is the most valuable in this regard. Likewise in the vote on the worst representative of Spain on the outside, in which the Socialist leader, took the worst position as leader of UCD which gets top marks.
Regarding the economy, Zapatero is the only President of Spain stopped with a note of 4.8 while the best economic managers for the English would Suárez and Aznar. In the backbone of the nation and defending the unity of the country, the current head of government is again the worst in this respect with one big difference with the other four presidents of democracy.
Well, ... What to know that, we need a survey?. For what little it serves is to confirm what I smelled me some time: People are more false than a piece of paper. When you talk to close acquaintances and so on. economy or other issues that concern all citizens, everyone raves ... ZP that if this, that if this one .... ZP . Then, in the elections milk, is not it everybody was dissatisfied?. Finally, we are.
Better late than never, but ... have not discovered the world, this makes a very long time which is palpable as ....... 5 years ago for nothing else.
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