Personally I lean toward the first option, but whatever the answer you choose, nothing relieves the Socialist government of its enormous responsibility for not having foreseen this crisis and failing to take timely steps to counter the most damaging effects on our economy. The current crisis is largely a result of lack of foresight and inability to confront this government.
Although Zapatero's obstinacy to deny reality, few English now have doubts about the true extent of the economic crisis that we suffer. Inflation above five percent means that every day is more expensive to fill the basket or the tank car. To make matters worse, the mortgage, which for many families is half of their income grows inexorably having nearly doubled the monthly fee in the past four years. All this means that an increasing number of families living distressed to make ends meet.
Spain The economic slowdown has curbed its growth-dry is most undesirable effect of causing a dramatic increase in unemployment. There are now nearly 2.5 million unemployed in our country, 200,000 more than he inherited Zapatero, and each day three thousand more are added to the list of desperation. The minister's own estimates suggest that job here a year in Spain could have a million more unemployed. No more anti-social policy than that which destroys jobs.
Zapatero, who for too long has been trying to deceive the English denying evidence of this crisis, now adds two new lies to his vast repertoire to point out that the blame is solely on external factors such as rising oil prices or interest rates, and that Spain is, thanks to him, better prepared than any other country to address this crisis. Comparative data with the main European economies expose this double lie.
The reality is that Spain has happened with the Socialist government to stay ahead of growth in Europe to be in the queue. Germany rose by 1.5 percent in the first half of this year, France 0.6 percent, but Spain did so only 0.3. In addition, our rate Unemployment increased in recent months than any other European country. English female unemployment is twice that of the European Union average. And the inflation differential with the euro area has grown to more than one point apart.
The price of oil has grown the same for all European countries and interest rates are the same for everyone, but some countries thanks to the economic policies of their governments are aware cushion the effects of the crisis. Zapatero, however, has become its lack of foresight, with their lies and their failure to take the necessary measures, the main risk factor for our economy.
Once the crisis has erupted in all its rawness is more difficult to counteract its effects. In any case, the recipes are just the opposite applied to those who Zapatero is proposing. We must reduce taxes rather than increasing the tax burden must be reduced spending rather than creating new ministries to serve the frivolity of a "member" of the government, we must encourage lending to businesses, we must fight against inflation instead of punishing the families even as did the Minister Sebastian with the latest rise in electricity tariffs, and we must regain the confidence of economic actors is in tatters. In any case, it difficult for us to get out of this crisis while Zapatero previously out of La Moncloa.
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