Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Krell Ksa 100 Mkii Specs


Guilds The Brotherhood of the Third Order of Ferrol, is an association of Christian faithful established to give public and private worship Our Father Jesus of Ecce Homo and his Blessed Virgin Mother Mary in the mystery of his Soledad.El Brotherhood's fundamental purpose is to be an effective means for spiritual development of all its members, through human and religious education and Christian charity to those in need.


Chapel of the Venerable Third Order of San Francisco. Built as a convent attached to the Franciscans of Ferrol. In 1763, work began on the chapel which was opened for worship in 1765, celebrated its blessing in 1766. The front of the chapel is simple. Its interior consists of a single ship. Highlights the Main Altarpiece, by Carlos Porto in 1782.


The Head Office is located on the street Espartero, No. 13-15, Low. 15401 Ferrol.
Phone: 981.35.49.38
Guild Blog Post: cotsoledad@gmail.com


Palm Sunday: Procession Ecce Homo. Output
: 20.00 pm Chapel of the Third Order. Travel
: Real, Rubalcava, Plaza de Armas, Dolores, Méndez Núñez, Real. Withdrawal
: Chapel of the Third Order.
Steps: San Pedro Apostle and Ecce Homo.
* At 19.00 hours will be held in the Chapel the Holy Way of the Cross.

Holy Tuesday: Procession Cristo de la Luz and the Good Death.
Departure: 20.00 hours , Chapel of the Third Order.
Tour: Espartero Port High Road, Socorro (Offering), Merced, Vicetto Benito, San Francisco.
Retreat: Chapel of the Third Order.
Steps: Cristo de la Luz and the Good Death.
* At 19.30 hours will be held in the Chapel the levee to the Blessed Virgin of Solitude. **
wreath at the Holy Christ and the Blessed Virgin Sailors Relief to the arrival of the procession to the parish church of Socorro. Estimated time of arrival at the parish 20.30.

Friday: Procession of Solitude.
Departure: 21.00 hours , Chapel of the Third Order.
Tour: Real, San Diego, Magdalena, Rubalcava, Real.
Retreat: Chapel of the Third Order.
Steps: St. Mary Magdalene and Holy Virgin of Solitude.
* Before starting the procession pray Vespers of the Blessed Virgin of Solitude.

Easter Sunday: the Procession of the Risen Christ meets his Mother.
out: 12:00 pm, Chapel Third Order.
Course: Real , Tierra, Plaza de la Constitution.
Steps: Risen Jesus.

Easter Sunday: Procession of the Resurrection.
out: 13:00, Plaza de la Constitution.
Tour: Plaza de la Constitución, Land, Real.
Retreat: Chapel of the Third Order.
Steps: St. Mary Magdalene, Jesus Risen, Our Lady of Light.


Brotherhood organized during the year following corporate worship and mandatory character, in fulfillment of its purposes:

Every first Saturday of the month, the Holy Mass, which gives character Cofrade Mass.
The Holy Way of the Cross, as the start of the procession of Ecce Homo, on the evening of Palm Sunday. Solemn
levee to the Blessed Virgin of Solitude, as the start of the procession of Cristo de la Buena Muerte, on the evening of Holy Tuesday.
Vespers of the Blessed Virgin of Solitude, once the procession of Solitude, on the evening of Good Friday.

On September 14, day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, celebrated a Mass in honor of our owner, Jesús del Ecce Homo.

On September 15, the human truth of the Blessed Virgin of Solitude, is celebrated Eucharist and the recitation of the Crown.

Likewise, the Brotherhood held November Show at Blessed Souls in Purgatory, specially applied for the souls of their deceased brothers, without prejudice to the masses the first Saturday of the month are applied for the same intention.


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