Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kavya Madhavan Preganant


Placement to make the bed material:
We will have two cars: one to wear clean clothes and another to collect the laundry.
The material needed to make a bed is placed in reverse order of use:
  1. pillowcase,
  2. the Quilt, Rug
  3. ,
  4. The top sheet, the meddling
  5. and bottom linen.
Previous procedure:
  1. We wash our hands with soap and water and we will place single-use gloves. The protocol for washing hands is as follows: 1 .- rub our palms vigorously; 2 .- rub our right palm on the back of the left and vice versa; 3 .- rub both palms interlacing fingers rub our backs 4 .- of the flexed fingers for each hand, 5 .- rubbing his right thumb with your left hand and vice versa; 6 .- rub the fingertips of one hand on the palm of the other.
  2. Prepare the material and take you to the room, having prepared the linen and perfectly ordered;
  3. will inform the patient and preserve his privacy;
  4. The room temperature must be appropriate and will avoid it if possible drafts;
  5. We must protect the patient from possible falls, for which it is important that this technique is done by two people;
  6. If not contraindicated, place the bed in a horizontal position (patient lying supine);
  1. En primer lugar, debemos aflojar la ropa de la cama;
  2. Retirar la colcha y la manta. Si están sucias, depositarlas en el carro o bolsa correspondiente;
  3. Dejar la sábana encimera cubriendo al paciente o colocar una toalla de baño por encima. No dejar nunca al paciente totalmente descubierto;
  4. Si es posible, se retira la almohada para cambiarle la funda y se coloca encima de una silla;
  5. Colocar al paciente en decúbito lateral, cercano a uno de los bordes de la cama;
  6. Enrollar la ropa sucia a retirar (entremetida, salvacamas y sábana bottom sheet) from the edge of the bed where we stand, the patient's back;
  7. Starting to bed at the opposite side to that is the patient
  8. We put the clean bottom sheet wrapping it up center of the bed. Is fixed to the head and foot and made the angle or miter;
  9. Place salvacamas meddling and, if needed, to lamisma back so that the bottom sheet and is set along the bed ;
  10. Turn the patient such that it lies above the laundry, endecúbito side and becomes the other half of the bed by removing the laundry;
  11. Roll meddling clean sheet and avoiding wrinkles, tucked under the mattress and making the angle or miter of the two remaining corners;
  12. again placing the patient supine;
  13. Extender the clean top sheet over the patient and remove the dirty or towel used to cover her.
  14. Then place the rest of the clothes (blanket and comforter), tucked comfortably in the foot of the bed so that the loose-fitting clothing so you can move comfortably and avoid erosions and poor posture.
  15. Colocar la almohada limpia por debajo de la cabeza del paciente;
  16. Dejar colocado al paciente en una postura cómoda y adecuada. Que tenga fácil acceso al timbre y a sus objetos personales;
  17. Recoger el material. La ropa sucia no deberá ser aireada ni colocada en el suelo, sino echada directamente en una bolsa de ropa sucia;
  18. Nos retiramos los guantes y nos lavamos las manos nuevamente.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What Size Caps Do 8oz Coke Bottles Take

Presión o tensión arterial:
La presión arterial es la fuerza que ejerce la sangre al circulate through the arteries, while blood pressure is the way arteries respond to this pressure, which achieved thanks to the elasticity of their walls. While both terms are often used interchangeably, is preferable to use blood pressure. In fact, the measure is described in units of pressure (eg, mm Hg). The relationship between the two can be expressed by the law of Laplace: P = T / r where P is pressure, T the tension, and r the radius of a blood vessel.

What is high blood pressure? We
blood pressure that measures the force exerted by blood against the walls of blood vessels as well, excess fluid in the body increases the amount of fluid in the blood vessels and makes blood pressure increase . The blood vessels narrow, hard or obstructed blood pressure also increases.

People with high blood pressure should consult a doctor regularly.

Hypertension can be the result of excess fluid in normal blood vessels or the normal amount of fluid in blood vessels narrow, hard or restricted.

High blood pressure is a major cause of kidney failure, also called end-stage renal disease (ESRD English).

What are the signs and symptoms of high blood pressure?
Most people with high blood pressure has no symptoms. The only way to know if a person's blood pressure is high is to have a health professional measure it with a tensiometer. The result is expressed as two numbers. The first number represents the pressure when the heart is beating, called systolic pressure. The second number represents the pressure when the heart rests between beats, called diastolic pressure. Blood pressure of a person is considered normal if it remains in 120/80 or less, which is usually expressed commonly as "120 over 80." If a person has a systolic blood pressure between 120 and 139 or diastolic blood pressure between 80 and 89, it is considered that the person has prehypertension and therefore should adopt changes in lifestyle to lower your blood pressure and prevent heart disease and blood vessels. If a person has a systolic blood pressure regularly be 140 or older, or whose pressure diastolic is 90 or greater, it considers that the person has high blood pressure should talk to a doctor about the best ways to lower it.

Measuring blood pressure:
For the correct measurement of blood pressure should take into account variables such as


  • Being in a room quiet.
  • Avoid noise and alarm conditions.
  • The ambient temperature should be around 20 degrees.

The patient, will:

  • not eat plenty, do not smoke, drink alcohol or coffee, or exercise, at least half an hour before the visit.
  • not take sympathomimetic agents, including mydriatics.
  • not have the full urinary bladder.
  • not taking antihypertensive medication in the morning, to make the decision of the PA in the period "valley" of the drug and not fully under the same pharmacological action.

The patient's posture:

  • naked arm to compress.
  • Sit comfortably (recommended position for shooting purposes) or lying down, putting his arm where it is to measure BP and supported at heart level.
  • Wait 5 minutes in this position.
  • To rule out postural or orthostatic hypotension, BP should be measured at one minute and 5 minutes after standing. Is confirmed if there is a decrease in SBP> 20 mmHg and / or DBP> 10 mmHg.
  • in pregnant women after 20 weeks, is recommended to measure the PA with the patient in left lateral decubitus or sitting position.


The measuring apparatus is advisable mercurio.Pueden sphygmomanometer used
also recently calibrated aneroid sphygmomanometers or validated electronic devices. The sleeve has to be consistent with age and weight of the patient as a small cuff overestimates BP cuff too large and the undervalued. In case of doubt it is preferable to use a sleeve as large as possible.

  • The apparatus (in the case of columns of mercury) should be at the height of the observer's eyes. Place
  • freeing the sleeve antecubital fossa.
  • Palpate the brachial artery and gently place the stethoscope around 2 cm. below the cuff.
  • The understanding systolic (SBP) was estimated by palpation of the radial artery and the cuff is inflated rapidly to 20-30 mmHg above the level at which the pulse wave disappears.
  • The flat should be at a uniform rate of about 2 mmHg per second or heartbeat. Using the first sound is followed by two identical (Korotkoff phase I) to define the SBP and the disappearance of sound (phase V) to define diastolic blood pressure (DBP).
  • To record the Korotkoff phase IV (attenuation of noise) in hyperkinetic states, fever, pregnancy or in children.
  • opening shot in the BP should be measured in both arms, and if there is a pressure difference greater than 10 mmHg should evaluate possible causes and consider the individual pressures far higher. In subsequent visits the PA will be determined solely on the arm with higher figures (control arm).
  • At each visit must be at least two shots of the PA separated by 2 minutes and average values. If the first two readings differ by more than 5 mm Hg should additional footage made until the difference is equal to or less than this figure. Consider how the visit PA average of the last two shots.
  • If an arrhythmia is recommended to measure the PA five times and averaged.
  • is advisable to register immediately and TA figures show no preference for certain numbers.

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dress Shops In Belfst

fever, sometimes known as temperature or fever, is an increase in body temperature above what is considered normal. The normal human body temperature fluctuates between 36.5 º and 37.5 º. The mouth acts as an adaptive response that helps the body fight disease-causing organisms and arises in response to substances called pyrogens derived from bacteria or viruses that invade the body. The fever varies depending on several factors:

  • Age: The newborn presents problems of temperature regulation because of their immaturity, so that will greatly affect the external changes. In the elderly, body temperature usually decreased (36 ° C).
  • The body part is being shot: Rectal making is almost one degree higher than oral
  • Time of day: the lowest values \u200b\u200bare reached in the morning and the highest in the afternoon,
  • The sex of person: women tend to have somewhat higher figures,
  • Physical activity: During the year the temperature increases.
  • stress.
  • Intense emotions such as anger or rage activate the autonomic nervous system may increase the temperature.
  • Treatments drug.
  • diseases.
  • The ambient temperature and clothing to be worn.
  • recent ingestion of hot or cold, for having smoked a cigarette, an enema and humidity in the armpit or friction (for example when drying) can affect the value of the temperature oral, rectal and axillary respectively, so have to wait about 15 minutes before the constant. If the arm is wet, there will be dry by tapping.

Fever is a disease state due to alteration of the temperature regulating mechanism whose typical symptoms include tachycardia, tachypnea (increased breathing rate) and headache. Also causes fever by sweating, a large water loss from the body and can lead to dehydration. Water loss and appetite and destruction of body proteins, causing weight loss. Explains the symptoms of dehydration additives dry skin, dry mouth and constipation.

fever usually occurs in children febrile seizures. It is a temporary neurological symptoms that usually occur in children between 6 months and 5 years, being more common in children 1 to 2 years. It is a distressing and unexpected situation occurs between 3 and 5% of perfectly healthy children because of fever from 38 ° and not necessarily the highest peak. Although seizures are very dramatic, they are harmless and do not leave sequelae.

To measure, the person must be still and quiet and the anatomical sites used as reference for measuring internal body temperature are:

  • The rectum,
  • ear canal,
  • cavity oral, sublingual,
  • The esophagus,
  • The armpit.

The most common instruments to perform such measurements are

  • The mercury glass thermometer,
  • digital thermometer,
  • The plastic strip thermometer,
  • The ear thermometer.