This is all he knows to this government. Look, the least important is the effectiveness or otherwise of the decision to limit the speed to 110 mph on freeways and expressways, the experts and announced that only going to be able to reduce energy consumption by 3% - the important thing , the important thing is that this government must ambition to intervene in the sphere of our personal freedom.
prohibit, ban, ban ...
is the only thing wrong with this already small pocket of stale and absolutely ideological retrosocialistas to look in the mirror of a late francoism sociologically twisted live in his heart: his last action the desperate state of alarm and the prohibition of going over 110 km / hr, recall similar ones were taken only then that the Government understood the relationship with citizens in terms of command and control. Ban and collect, that is the question as if the drama of this government were a Shakespearean question, because the decision to ban lead to more than 110 just a sense, to earn revenue for the state ...
This restricts our freedoms misrule We reach into his pocket and asks us to be over sympathetic, but how much more we endure? Is not it enough to release we have done in terms freedoms and rights sacrificed on the altar of the spirit to the glory of the Religion of the State, the Dictatorship of Relativism?
This government only knows how to solve problems on the basis of suppressing our freedom, our rights and squeeze coerce our pockets at the same time, lend a helping hand from a monopolistic economic oligarchy to which the Government has delivered version most obscene of capitalist socialism. And we're screwed.