"Ignorance or concealment of the truth? Solbes, has recognized, finally, what many (including PP) had been warning for some time. We attended the "worst crisis that I have knowledge, since I have reason, and I have 66 years."
Solbes has said it is difficult to compare with the crisis of 29, but it is true that a number of factors affecting growth in the U.S. and Europe. And of course, also Spain, following the bursting of the brick and the outbreak of the international credit crisis, is facing one of the worst economic situations in decades.
That's right. According to Solbes, "always said that 2008 would be very difficult" for Spain. Really?.
Solbes has been silent all this time and left to do. Has allowed the futility of Zapatero continue its strategy of more and more government spending so expensive that we will come out, because it will trigger further public deficit, which implies, necessarily and unfortunately, that interest rates rise , investment and consumption will not soar and unemployment continue its bull run.
Solbes has also agreed that the economic policy of this legislature is limited to four populist measures to the gallery rather than force, at least, the debates about the reforms that this country needs to combat inflation, a soaring deficit and unemployment, while many families and businesses will see them and want them to succeed at the high cost of life and the underfunding currently prevailing in our country. While this was going, Solbes was silent, not saying a peep just and losing precious time to absorb, first, how hard that is hitting us and we will hit the crisis and then to get beyond what soon as possible, because guess what is behind the sharp drop in growth, which may extend two years, not one as the Government is a long period of economic stagnation.
If Solbes had spoken at the time, Zapatero probably would not have been forced to start taking action ... (If you talk about the impact it had had the PSOE in the general elections) or remove the economic vice. But the silence, with his silent guilt, Solbes has become complicit in a crazy action in some cases and a dramatic inaction on the other that the English economy is going to pay very expensive.
Now that supports not only that we are in crisis, but it is very serious, Solbes should be consistent with their words and start doing what the circumstances require, which is neither more nor less than what is expected of their position and behind him, Zapatero to conceal evidence that had already denounced the Popular Party.
Spain does not deserve a government that lies. (Rubalcaba).