Minute Digital, the City of Toledo sociatas have paid 'artist' with money for the Third World. How do you have left the body after this?
sociata The City of Toledo hired for the celebrations of Corpus Ana Belén (personage of reference for English liberals) and his performance was paid for with cash games to 0.7 in cooperation with the Third World in particular is pocketed 57,813 euros for costs of the concert and the cache of the 'lady', a few items of cooperation with countries in need or very poor. Emiliano García-Page , "and called the gentleman mayor of Toledo, of course a socialist, has tried to explain his team argue that municipal government has paid for this concert the money that was meant to 0.7 because the fund would be intended for charitable projects in the villages of Sahel .
The problem comes because the concert was not as expected by its organizers and only raised 11,813 euros, so the 'humanitarian business' has resulted in a loss of 46,000 euros, for the Socialists is that they have spent 57,813 euros, could have gone directly to the third world, in solidarity with mounting Ana Belén soiree to raise 11,800 euros. The PSOE mayor also has an explanation for such nonsense, because the main goal was to appeal to the solidarity and not recaudatorio (¿?¿?).
This mayor should be in jail. For taking the photo and payment to support this 'artist' to the PSOE or digital canon, obscurantism, improvisation, disorder and lack of sensitivity of the government he leads in the city of Toledo as 'sir' Page .
With 'salvapobres' as these birds are Aviados the needy in the Third World. That it the SGAE, Ana Belén and the mother who bore them, to these 'extras' will not notice the severe economic crisis suffered by the English through the futility of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and his team of nonsense.
As ZP is that gives 500 million no! Do not know where Zapatero will take 500 million euros (84,000 million pesetas) to combat world hunger. In the midst of economic crisis and the surplus no longer exists, such a promise shows once again the recklessness and the ease with which Zapatero leads public affairs. Where did you get that money going? What aids the integration of immigrants, unemployment subsidies, spending on health, infrastructure budget? Or the 0.7 that we give in aid and international cooperation?, So that eventually the truth is that nothing that we give and give. Not to enter into an analysis of how useless it is this Such measures of shooting a bottomless money pit, and carrying decades without any results. But that is another matter.
Anyway, ZP, master of demagoguery, is like God. Listen to put a round for everyone to pay and see who pays. We know that he says, then we'll see what we do. At the end of the day is not the first time you lie, the English presidential custom seems to overlook.
Some, notice that we are selfish, we would advise ZP think in English first, rather than go giving away the money of others, to pose as generous salvapobres. With rampant unemployment and economic forecasts released yesterday by the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) already cut our growth to 1.6% this year, out of 2% Solbes said on Tuesday and predicted that the situation will not improve next year when our economy would grow just 1.1%, ie, be the first time that Spain would grow unless the European Union average, you'd better book those 500 million to alleviate the problems of our workers.
But this kind of discourse, simplistic, full of goofy goodism with little or no real substance sold very well. People stay with the fight song that Zapatero hunger, and then you get those 500 million or fall, are employed in something useful or serve or fail to count for something, nobody will remember. It creates a shed for summits, forums and meetings, where there is much talk of solidarity while raising dinner seafood soup for the poor, and everything fixed.
Of course, look like Zapatero and the Socialists were concerned with the poor and hungry this week when the PP led to the full congress a motion asking the Government to employ a senior limiting criteria and implement a strong containment of public spending at the time of the creation of new senior and executive bodies of government General, the initiative was rejected by the votes against the PSOE and its nationalist allies. And is that you know, charity begins with oneself.